[16] Played By Mr. Player

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Chapter 16

"This...or this?" Tia asked me as she took out another sparkly pink top and a red glittery one. I shook my head.

"They both are a little too...sparkly." I said.

"Well, they should be. Alex! You're missing the point here, we are off on our way to a party. P-A-R-T-Y party."

A party. Right, I forgot. Tia had convinced me once again to go on a party with her. And I was a hundred and ten percent sure the popular kids from our school would be present. Heck! Almost everyone form our school was going. Which simply means, Dylan would be too.

Dylan...why can't I stop thinking about him? Why? Why is he always on my mind? This is not good. This isn't normal.

"Alex! What are you thinking?! You haven't heard anything I said now, did you? What's going on? Something's up!"

I didn't deny it. Tia knew me really well, and if I tried to lie, she would catch me. So I simply smiled sheepishly.

"What is it?" she said, dropping the tops on the floor and sitting next to me on the bed."What's bothering you?"

"Um..." I ran my fingers through my tousled brown hair and looked at her. "Dylan?"

That one word, that one name was enough. She understood that I was going through a confused emotional state.

"What about him?" she asked, scrunching up her eyebrows.

"Well...me and Dylan along with Stacey and Kevin, her neighbour went on a double-date a couple of days back"

"Oh...so wait, you went on a date with Dylan?!" She squealed with delight.

"What? No! I went on a date with Kevin. I mean it wasn't really a date-date. It was just sort of hanging out. Dylan obviously went out with Stacey!"

"Oh...so what about it?" she asked.

"Well, we all went to the Rockers. Remember that cool dance club for teenagers? Yeah, that one. So...we were dancing and all, and a couple of guys spiked the drinks and Stacey got drunk and she was acting really crazy and out of control and then she passed out, so Kevin took her home."

"So you and Dylan were left alone? Awesome!"

"Yeah, yeah, okay? So we both danced a lot and had so much fun but..."

"But??" Tia prompted.

"Yeah so we had a lot of fun and then we kissed."

"Kissed?! Are you serious?"

"Yeah! It's not like we did it on purpose. I mean, someone sort of pushed me on him, you know how crowded the club always is, and so I almsot fell on him, and by mistake our lips brushed against each other and guess what? We both kissed. It was like we couldn't control ourselves and ended up kissing!"

"And then?"

"But then we realised what we were doing and quickly seperated. Dylan made an excuse that he was drunk and so did I. The thing is..."

"What?! Spit it out already!"

"The thing is, I know I wasn't drunk and even though it's really hard to admit it, but when he started kissing me, I kissed him back because I wanted to and I was hundred percent in my mind and not drunken when I did it. And so was Dylan. I know it, he wasn't drunk. I hadn't seen him drink besides a couple of glasses wouldn't get him drunk. He was perfectly sober."

"Oh my gosh! So like you guys kissed each other on purpose?"

"I kissed him on purpose and I guess he did too. I was just wondering why would he do that...and then why would he lie afterwards? I mean c'mon, we're friend now, right? I mean sort of friends. Not really very close and buddy-buddy but--"

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