[14] Mr.Player's Commitment Phobia

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Chapter 14

"Okay, so I'll get going..."I said as I got up to leave, but he grabbed my hands and pulled me back on our bench. Yeah, now its 'our' bench because I find myself almost everyday sitting on it with Dylan next to me.

"Cmon! Let me go! I have to do lots of homework, I can't hang out with you today!"

"Please, just some more time. Just sit here and talk to me..."

"About what?"

"About any-" he was interuppted by a high pitched girly voice, whose owner was...Stacy.

"Hey Dylan..." she said seductively, biting her lips. Slutty much?

"Uh...hey Stace"

"Forgotten me, haven't you?" She said bending dangerously low towards him and brushing her lips against his cheek. Her top which resembled a bra, barely covered her assets and Dylan probably must have seen everything. Why was she even wearing anything? 

She came and sat on his lap, her legs on either side of him as she pushed herself even closer to him and started playing with his hair. Then probably after, when she got bored (I guess) she smashed her pouty red lips onto his and the very next second both of them were kissing furiously.

I felt disgusted even sitting there next to him. I mean okay, kissing isn't bad, but somehow I just got the creeps watching him kiss Stacey. So I got up, ready to leave, when Dylan parted from Stacey.

"Where are you going Alex?"

"Home? Apparently I'm not in the mood of watching adult content today. P.s- get a room the two of you, there are kids here." I scrunched up my face a bit, walking off.

"Forget her Dylan, come over at my house, nobody's home...my new lingerie from victoria's secrets cannot wait to be seen and then be removed by you"

"Alright Stace, I'm up for it."

I pressed my eyes shut, trying to swallow up my anger. Why was I even feeling angry? It wasn't anything new...Dylan and his never-ending lists of girls.

I sighed, as I started leaving. Maybe I was angry because Dylan didn't ask me to stop, not that I would've anyway, apparently, he completely forgot about me when Stacey proposed they go over to her house.

I should just suck up this fact that I'll never be able to compete with girls like her. The Barbie doll kind who hover around him. They allow themselves to be touched and played by Dylan. Not me though. I never will. I'm just not like that. Besides we're friends now, aren't we? Why does it matter?

Oh damn! I didn't bring my car today, however will I go home?

Suddenly then, a red convertible came honking and stood next to me.

"Need a lift?" It was Tia. I hadn't talked to her since that incident with Matt. Did the preposition for the lift meant that she was ready to forget our fight and start over? Well, I did miss her. I mean being friends with Dylan is good and all but a girl needs her girlfriends too.

"Hey Tia! Sure I'd like a lift." 

"Hop in!"

She started the car and I found myself talking to her almost as if nothing happened. None of us brought the topic out and I was glad for it.

"So...looks like you finally fell for the Player's charms huh?"


"I mean I knew eventually you'd come to it, falling for Dylan and all..."

"What?! No! I don't like him. Puh-leez! I'm not that lame"

"Aw cmon! Don't deny it. I know you like him!"

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