[13] Mr Player's New Girl+Friend

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Chapter 13 

"So, what you wanna do now?" Dylan asked me as we both sat propped against the garden bench after school. Almost a week had passed since Dylan had initiated his new 'no-touch policy' and I must say he was carrying it out quite well. He hadn't kissed me once, not even tried to. We both didn't hug or even hold hands (not that we did earlier). The only touch had been once when his hands had accidently brushed against mine. Though now it wasn't weird when both of us were around and we weren't realy close...yet, it was a start. Yet, there was something which seemed amiss. Maybe I was missing his kisses already.

"I don't know...you have any ideas?" I said, and honestly I didn't.

"I was thinking, maybe we could hangout at my place? You know watch movies or play video games or something."

"Sounds cool." I was surprised. Yeah we both had hung out after school twice before (other times he was either busy makeing out with a girl in the locker room or had football practice) but he had not invited me to his home. Yeah, I know I've already been there once but I wasn't invited, I just sort of came unanounced that time.

I gathered up my bag as we got into his car. Dylan, surprisingly had been giving me lifts to school too. In school though, we weren't very buddy-buddy. Yeah, we talked after classes ended and after school, but we didn't sit together in lunch or anything. 

All the same, it wasn't a surprise to catch girls glaring at me when we talked.

Ten minutes later, Dylan had parked his car and we were heading for his house. The same butler greeted us. This time though, his parents weren't here.

"Movies or video games?" He asked.


He nodded. "C'mon I'll take you to our theatre."

"Your what?!"

"Theatre. Nothing special, wall sized flat screen, comfy couches and lots of snacks!"

My face was a mask of surprise and shock all at the same time. Neverthless I settled down on a couch, and he came and sat next to me.

"So what you wanna watch?"

I stared through the large pile of DVD collection he had, I could watch any stupid comedy or maybe a horror movie would do, but when my eyes fell on Titanic, I knew I was watching this.

To be honest, I've never seen this movie before. I once saw my mom seeing it and crying like a baby. I wanted to try seeing it too. When I told Dylan this, at first he simply laughed but when he noticed I looked dead serious, he didn't argue and put the DVD in the player.

"So you haven't ever seen this movie?"

"Nope!" I said as I sipped my cola.

"How can you not ever watch 'the Titanic'! This movies is epic."

"It's a romance, right? The player himself saying its epic? Saying Epic to a romantic movie? Now that's new!"

He rolled his eyes at me as the movie started.

It showed a couple of guys discovering the titanic in the depths of the atlantic ocean and they came across a locker with not the the heart of the ocean necklace but this pic of a woman.

Then this old lady calls them later and tells then that she's that woman whose picture they have foundand tells them her story of how she, along with her mother and fiance was travelling on the Titanic on her maiden voyage.

She tells how she met Jack, a lower class boy who had won tickets to the Titanic in gamble.

The movie shows red-haired Kate Winslet trying to commit souicide by trying to jump off the ship because she doesn't want to marry Caleb, her fiance.

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