Chapter 17

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You will find out why that ring is 'featured', in this chapter!


Dakota's POV

Exactly one year later...

I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jeans, and I smiled to myself. I grabbed the small box in one of my pockets to make sure it was there. I entered the pack house, and I immediately was greeted by Piper. She ran up to me, and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I planted my hands on her waist. It was hard to believe that just a year ago I was afraid of losing her, and now I had her forever. I leaned down, and claimed her lips with mine. I had missed her so much, and now she was mine. I felt her happiness through our bond, and I ended the kiss before I looked at her mark. It was just visible from the neckline of her shirt. I marked her almost immediately after she recovered, and now she really was all mine. Although, we hadn't mated yet, neither of us were ready for that. I grinned down at her, and she smiled up at me.

"Ready for our date tonight?" She asked, smiling, and I nodded.

"Of course" I replied, ever since she was healed we had been going on 'dates' just for the fun of it. Suddenly the box in my pocket felt like it was on fire. "Ready as I'll ever be" I added, knowing she wouldn't get it. She tilted her head, confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked with a frown.

"Oh Nothing" I shook my head, and smiled. "But that frown doesn't suit you" I chuckled, and she smiled even brighter. She grabbed my hand before towing me over to a table with Kayla, and Landon. I sat down with her, and Kayla smiled at me.

"Hey Dakota!" Kayla smiled, Kayla and Landon had their wedding a few months ago, and Landon and Jared were the only people that knew what I would be doing.

"Hey Kayla" I greeted, and I still held Piper's hand. Landon smirked at me, and he mouthed "Good Luck Tonight"
I nodded my head slightly, and smiled. Landon winked, grinning mischievously. I frowned at the way he looked at me, and I clutched the small box tightly. I really need to get this thing out of my pocket. Piper started talking to Kayla, and I leaned back in the chair. When she was done talking we got up, waving goodbye, before we went into our room. When we got into the room Piper spun around to face me, and she took both of my hands in hers.

"What's wrong? You've been nervous since you got back" She murmured, and I cursed under my breath, stupid mate bond.

"Just, Um, worried about how the date will go" I half-lied, I was nervous about the date, just not that way. She nodded hesitantly.

"Alright" She said before going to the closet and pulling out a fresh pair of clothes. "Can I just wear jeans to where ever we're going?" She ask, and I nodded, I knew Piper absolutely hated wearing dresses unless she had to. "Yay" She smiled, and she pulled out her clothes. "I'll be back" She told me, and she walked passed me and into the bathroom. I went to the closet, and I pulled out fresh clothes and started to change since Piper was in the restroom.  I put on a new pair of jeans, and I grabbed a nice button up shirt, but being the lazy person I am I laid on the bed, and didn't button up my shirt. Piper came out a while after, her hair nicely braided, and slung over her shoulder. "Come here" She laughed, motioning me over. As I walked up to her she started to button up my shirt, and I smiled down at her. "Why are you always so lazy?" She laughed, and poked my chest. "Button your own shirt from now on" She grinned, and I smirked,

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