Chapter 1

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"Another meeting?!" I groaned, sitting in the back of the car, my Mom sitting in the passenger seat while my Dad was driving. "These are so boring!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in annoyance.

"Piper! Stop whining! As the Beta's daughter, you are required to come to these" My Dad scolded, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Fine..." I mumbled in defeat, sighing, "But that doesn't mean I want to go..." I said quietly, but my Dad sighed,

"No one wants to go, but if the Alpha says, then we must" I nodded my head, at least I wasn't inheriting the Beta title, since when I meet my mate I will be leaving my pack, my younger brother, Jason, was going to take over as future Beta, but since he was only 13, he didn't have to come to this meeting.

"Well, what are we doing anyway?" I ask, might as well figure out now.

"We are going to the Sunset Mountains pack" I gasped,

"The most powerful pack in the north?!" I exclaimed, my Dad nodded,

"Yes, we are going to discuss a truce, so that if need be, we can rely on each other to help" My Dad said, "That is why we must attend with the Alpha." I nodded, now understanding the importance of this.

"Well... Alright..." I said, leaning my head back on the headrest and looking out the window, tuning out the conversation they were having, my eyelids got heavy and soon I fell asleep to the rocking of the car.


"Wake up sleepy head" A male voice chuckled, and I immediately opened my eyes to see Trace, the future Alpha of our pack, and my best friend, his black hair fell into his bright green eyes as he shook my shoulder, waking me.

"But why?!" I groaned, sitting up and stretching,

"Come on!! Everyone is leaving us!" He pointed to the small figures in the distance, "Hurry!" He grabbed my hand as soon as I was out of the car and we raced towards our parents, who had stopped to wait for us.

"Took you long enough" Alpha David said with a laugh, and blush crept onto my cheeks,

"Now, now, don't embarrass her" Luna Amber said, shaking her head before we all started to head in the direction of the Sunset Mountains pack house.

"What do you think it will be like?" Trace whispered, staring at the pack house.

"Honestly? I have no idea" I whispered back, and he nodded,

"What about the Alpha?... Jared... I think that was his name" Trace pulled away to think "Yeah... I think that was his name" but he shrugged.

"Guess we can find out" I said, looking to see two figures heading towards us from a distance. I was in the middle of identifying them when a sweet scent filled my nose, it smelled like firewood and... chocolate? I furrowed my brows, sniffing the air, What?

"Alpha Jared! Beta Dakota! Nice to meet you!" Alpha David said happily, nodding in greeting, I didn't hear what Alpha Jared said as I looked for the scent's owner, I smelled the air again, and then my eyes landed on him. He was staring straight back at me, his light brown hair ruffled, as though he ran his hands through it many times already today, and his sweet brown eyes. I gasped, realizing who I was looking at.

Beta Dakota, Beta of the most powerful pack in the North.

My Mate.


A/N: Thanks for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed, this chapter was short, but I wanted to end it here!




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