~ Epiliogue ~

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Epilogue ~ Engaged To The Billionaire

1 Year Later

"Hello everyone and welcome back to the Harley Show. We have a busy episode but I can I first congratulate two people as today is the day where Mr Asher Montgomery and Miss Tate Pierce are going to finalise their relationship by marriage. So congrats" I hear the television in the room I'm in say, her cheery voice making me smile.

My nerves rise instantly. I'm freaking out! My fingers fiddling with the soft shade, silk fabric as I stare at my reflection. My brown hair done up in a neat bun with two waved strands falling on each side of my face. My face covered in a classy style makeup, instead of a vail I went for a small tiara. Wearing white heels which are hidden under the length of my dress and matching white lace underwear that's also hidden by my dress. My light shade dress trails out the back smoothly, a heart neckline and a tight pattern of lace stopping at my hips before smaller patterns disappear down. I smile at my reflection. I'm happy.

I slowly turn myself in the empty room, the soft sound of the television playing, I turn myself to look out the window and into the beautiful green landscape. Trying to calm myself before I break down from happiness. Savouring this peaceful moment before becoming Tate Montgomery.

My mind flashes back to when Asher proposed again, we went through the whole processes again. We went through the dating for a couple of months then we kinda reenacted our proposal under the tree- it was magical! Then we went through the whole planning which was fun and stressful.

"Tate just pick a ring" Asher says to me from the side as I look through the glass secured case, full of different style of wedding rings. I give him a glare, I want to find two good wedding rings for us.

"We need two similar ones as it's our wedding Ash" I glare at him and go back to looking at them. I focus my eyes onto the white gold rings or the regular gold rings, their neat cut shining in the light.

"Tate" he whines, "Babe their all the same just different colour" he finally says which blows it for me. I hear the women who's helping us laugh at his comment. Turning to him unimpressed I fold my arms looking at his hidden smirk.

"Do you want to get married?" I say seriously, even though I'm joking. This causes his reaction to fade and look at me fearful.

"What?" He asks carefully, trying to not tread water. Poor baby.

"Do you want to get married?" I ask again trying to sound irritated which seems to be working. As the women looks at me in curiosity, waiting for something while Asher looks shock and wide eyes. "Answer me Ash or I'm done with this wedding!" I play along to my teasing way as he stands closer, pulling my hands to his.

"Of course I want to marry you! I'll wait forever for you to pick a ring. I'm sorry please forgive me Tate. I love you" he bursts out saying, making me laugh out loud at his reaction. The lady also behind the counter couldn't as I smirk at her little giggle.

"Awww, my sweet Asher" I smile holding my hands on each of his cheeks. "I've decided the rings I like for us" I smile and a boyish charm comes onto his face.

"Yes- I mean that's good" he says realising his mistake and trying to fix it. I playfully smack his shoulder and turn back to the lady pointing at two matching gold rings. "Can we also have our future initials on them too?" I hear him say and I smile as the lady nods with a large grin, "thanks."

Returning to reality, I turn the Tv off and make my way carefully over to a large open window in the grande bedroom I'm in. The sun draping over the midday, white clouds looming waiting for a show. My heart hammering in my chest as I hear the chatter coming from the side of the large private estate; not being able to see the source of the sound makes me nervous with happiness because somewhere with that noise is Asher.

Asher and I booked a large private estate for our wedding. In the open countryside where we can enjoy this day with our friends and family. Today will be our perfect day. Hearing a couple of knocks I instantly know it's my two bridesmaids and my father. Knowing what they're hear for makes me jump with excitement.

"Tate it's time!!" I hear Jess walk in with Jen cheering behind her. The two with their hair curled, falling behind them, both wearing matching cream heels and a long rose diamond colour to match my dress colour.

"You look beautiful" I hear my fathers voice break my view as he steps in holding my bouquet of pure colours. "Your mother will be so proud and would wished this day would come" he says, tears about to spill from his eyes making me feel the same.

"She would be so proud of us dad" I say and gives me a warm hug before handing me the flowers. My eyes widen in aww and shock as they fall upon a diamond necklace.

"This was your mothers. She told me when you were born that this would be your wedding present no matter when and where that would be" he walks around me and does it up for me at the back. Trying to contain my emotions as my fathers actions wish she was with us.

"Right you two, Tate Pierce is about to become Tate Montgomery!!" Jen screeches with complete outburst of happiness.

"I wonder if the Pierce & Co will join after this?" Jess asks Jen as they walk in front of me and my father, whose arms linked with mine and smiling at each other.

This is it.


Walking out the double glass doors and onto the sandy stones of the green garden, the light music for my entrance hits my ears.

My eyes don't notice that Jess and Jen have already made it to the end of the alter. I don't pick up on my friends and family or Asher's side smiling at me. Or the way Thomas and Ben (Asher's best men) are standing there looking at me as the mesmerising outdoor surrounds me and my father. The white deck chairs with a red ribbon wrapped round them, red roses on the end of each of row. All I focus on is the man in front staring at me with proudness and happiness.

My future husband.

His eyes focused on me, darkening with lust causing me to blush and my smile grows. His hands holding together in front of him, his body looking define in his black tie and tux. His brown hair brushed and styled to perfection. Asher totally transfixed on me, ignoring everyone else, in our own little world. Just the two of us.

Reaching him made my heart beat faster. Passing my flowers to Jess I hold Asher's hands, his hands securing mine keeping them perfect. He was perfect. Our eyes locking as the priest starts to begin but I'm lost in my man I love- Forever and always.

I could see in his eyes what exactly he was thinking, he was thinking the same as me. His smile also showed he was lost in the moment as my cheeks tinted pink. We were thinking back to we met as the dinner party, then getting a contract, allowing me to work there and spilling my drink on him. Then ending up here like this.

It has been one magical story to tell.

Then my mind skips back to my mum. She would be so proud of me and my dad. As he's found happiness and all she cared about was that for him. If she was here she would tell me, you've found your prince my little princess and your now a queen with your king. My heart beat is loving this day and I mentally speak 'I miss you mummy' before focusing on my life ahead.

Then it's soon time to do our vows causing my eyes to tear up and the audience laughing at my emotions, mine and Asher's mums having soft tears flow. Our vows ended, I still couldn't believe the words Asher said, they were so loving, deeply passionate towards our love.

This was my life. The perfect moment.

And it all started by being Engaged To A Billionaire.

Asher Montgomery & soon to be Tate Montgomery.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while as I've been busy.

Also I'm sorry about the ending, maybe one day I'll come back to it and finish the ending in more detail.

But I've hoped you've enjoyed the story and maybe a new book will be out soon.

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