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Harry walks up to Percy. "You killed her. Now I'm going to kill you." He takes out his wand.

Avada Kedavra!

Percy dives out of the way at the last second. "Come on guys. I'll hold him off. There's a hidden door behind that portrait! RUN!!"

"Oh no you don't" Harry snarls. He points his wand at the pretty girl.


The jet of green light seemed to travel in slow motion as Percy watches it make its way towards the girl. "PIPER!!" He yells

At the last second, the blond haired boy jumps in front of her. The light hits him head on, and he crumples to the floor like a bag of rocks.

Piper drops to the floor and starts shaking the boy. "Jason. JASON!" Her tears stream down her face and land on his. She puts her forehead on his chest and starts sobbing hysterically.

She looks up at Harry. "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED JASON!" She gets up and charges toward Harry.

Harry lifts his wand again.


Piper tackles him. She goes savage on him, and Harry is defenseless. Unlike the people at whatever camp they came from, Harry wasn't trained in hand to hand combat.

Piper seems to finally realize she has a dagger and pulls it out of her boot. She holds it up and plunges it down towards his heart.

The Fifth Dimension: A Percy Jackson/ Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now