Chapter 2 - Percy

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Today has been the weirdest day ever. Percy thinks as he walks down one of what seems to be infinite halls of hograts. Or was it Hogwarts? He has a hard time remembering. Harry Potter, the boy whose life he saved, claims that he is a wizard. When Percy first heard this, he burst out laughing. But when he saw the offended look on Harry's face, he knew he was telling the truth. I suppose if there are demigods in our world, then there can be wizards too.

Harry is taking him to see Professor Mcgonagall, who is the headmaster. "We used to have a different Headmaster. His name was Dumbledore." Harry had told him. "What happened to him?" Percy asked. Harry just shook his head, a grim look on his face. They arrive at a sculpture of an eagle.

" Bludger Buns"

The eagle turns and they slowly start rising. "So, i've been thinking" Percy announces. "If you are a real wizard, can you show me some magic?"

Harry smiles. "I thought you'd never ask." He takes out his wand and points at the wall.


Just as he shouts those words, they arrive at their destination.

A jet of red shoots out from Harry's wand and hits an elderly woman in the back. She flies forward and hits the wall. Harry looks at Percy with very worried look on his face. Then he runs over to the woman.

"Professor Mcgonagall, are you OK?!"

"Yes dear, I'm fine. You're just lucky that you saved the world 2 hours ago. Otherwise I would have given you detention for a week!"

"Professor Mcgonagall, this is Percy." He gestures toward Percy.

Mcgonagall looks at Harry for the first time. Her smile turns into a frown. "Oh no, you're one of them, arent you?"

"One of who?" Percy asks

Your one of the people that started appearing two nights ago.

"AHA! I knew it! You do know what happened to my friends. So, where are they?"

"They're down in the dungeons. Which is where you too will be soon enough."

"What! Why are they down there?"

The first of them, a girl with long blond hair, appeared two nights ago. Right after her came a horrid monster, half human half sheep-


"Right. Anyway, Then right after that, a boy that goes by the name of jason, a girl that goes by the name of piper, a boy with long black hair, and a very big boy that said his name was frank came. They were all unconscious when they came."

"That's weird..." Percy responds. "I didn't come unconscious."

"Yes, well, when they all woke up, I politely told them to go to the dungeon. They flat out refused. How RUDE of them, don't you think? Anyway, there was a big fight, blah blah blah and unfortunately, one of them didn't make it out."

Upon hearing Mcgonagall say that, Percy leaps to his feet. "You KILLED ONE OF THEM?!!"

"Well, yes. He was kicking me with his goat feet. I had no choice, I could have died." Percy's face turns about 50 shades darker red than it already was.

"Come on man! You F*CKING KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!" Tears begin to fall down his face, and he lets them fall.

Harry tries to calm everyone down. "Percy, If we could just-"


"Take me down to them" Percy says, both him and his voice shaking.

"Very well"

The Fifth Dimension: A Percy Jackson/ Harry Potter CrossoverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя