Chapter 3 - Harry

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"Professor, why wasn't I informed about these people?" Harry asks as he, Mcgonagall, and Percy stride down the hall, trying to keep up with Percy as he practically runs. "There's no point in running," Harry keeps telling him. "You don't know where you're going." He doesn't respond to this remark.

Finally, they arrive at a door three times the size of Harry and five times as wise, which isn't saying much because Harry hasn't been eating much lately. I've never seen this door before.

Just as they are about to enter, Hermione comes running up to Harry and gives him a bear hug. "I'm so glad your ok!"

Harry blushes. "I'm glad you're ok too, Hermione."

"Where are you guys going. I've never seen this door before"

"We're visiting Percy's..... Friends."

"Who's Percy?"

"Oh.... right. Well, it's a long story. I'll just sum it up. Percy is from another world or place or something and he and his friends started appearing here two nights ago. They-

"They started appearing two nights ago and I didn't hear about it!"


"Look, you're probably a great person, but right now I need you to leave so I can see my friends," Percy interjects.

"And what makes you think that you can boss me around?" Hermione asks, her chin held high.

"This." Percy holds his hands out, and suddenly the wind starts to pick up. The drinking fountains start to rattle, and suddenly water bursts from all six of them. The water forms into one big bubble. Hermione pulls out her wand. "Stupef-" The water comes crashing down on her.

The flash of green from Hermione's wand is lost in the massive amount of water. Hermione struggles for a breath, but whenever she tries to swim upward, the water level rises.

"LET HER GO!" Harry yells.

But Percy doesn't seem to hear. The water seems to get faster and faster and Hermione is whipped around. All at once, Percy lets go. Hermione goes flying up to the 40-foot ceiling, then comes crashing down head first.

The crack echoes through the long hall.

Harry runs over to hermione and kneels down next to her. Her lips are slightly blue and her face is white. He feels for a pulse, but already know it's too late.

Hermione is dead.

NO!. "NO!!!"

Harry looks at Percy, his eyes full of tears and hatred. "You killed her."

Percy shrugs. "You guys killed my best friend. It only seems fair that I should get to see yours.

Harry's vision turns red. He whips out his wand.


Percy covers his face with his hands.

When he moves his hands away from his face, there are two big cuts, one on each cheek. "That's ENOUGH!" Mcgonagall cries.

"No, it's not enough" Percy snarls.

The wind picks up again, this time making it hard for Harry to stand. Harry takes out his wand.


Just as Harry says the spell, Percy shoots a jet of water at him. As the water collides with his spell, Percy splits the water jet in two, directing one at Mcgonagall and the other at Harry. Both jets carry part of the spell with them.

Harry realizes what Percy is doing a moment too late.

The water hits him at full force, and when it does, Harry also gets hit by his stupefy spell, immobilizing him. The same thing happens to Professor Mcgonagall.

"And now," Percy says, with a grin on his face. "I think I'll go free my friends."

The Fifth Dimension: A Percy Jackson/ Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now