♥{90} People Like Me

130 17 19

July 20th 19:30

Here's the thing about people like me, people with good hearts.
They give you every piece of them and expect nothing in return.
They love so deeply and care so much and give every bit of themselves to others, so much so they don't have anything for themselves.
They show an unwavering strength as they lift others up and make them feel better, even if it means putting their priorities aside.
They make time, even when you don't.
It's the same people who hide tears you don't know about.
It's the same people who feel lonely in a crowd.
It's the same people who look at others in love and wonder when it will be their turn.
We have depths within us, an ocean for a heart, and we keep falling for people who are too scared to swim.

The thing about people like me is that they give away parts of themselves to make others feel whole. We love until we bleed ourselves empty.

The thing about people like me is that we do not get what it means to not care, to not worry, to not give a shit because once someone has settled into our hearts, it is permanent, even if their stay wounds up being temporary.
We won't let anyone leave without a fight, as we grip the remains with claws and deplete every ounce of energy convincing them to stay.
In the end, they will feel the loss aching in their bones more than we do in our hearts.
Afterwards, their belongings stay cluttered in our core and we cling to those memories, despite knowing all too well that holding on tightly would only leave ravenous bruises and deep cuts.

See, people like me are not afraid to feel the magnitude of pain that comes along with loving unconditionally, boundlessly, irrevocably. For we are capable of pouring out immeasurable amounts of radiating warmth into the world until our own wounds find the strength to heal into scars.

The thing about people like me is that we hurt.
My god, do we hurt.
We ache,
wondering if someone will ever give us the love we, so freely, give to others.
And when that doesn't happen, we heal ourselves. We find strength in things other than people. We find energy in our solitude, we find hope in our daydreams. We build ourselves up, tell ourselves that we don't need anyone to save us, that we don't need anyone to steady our foundation.

But we do.

See, sometimes people like me, who are always there for everyone else, need someone there for them.
Sometimes, people like me, who smile the biggest, hold the biggest hurt.
Sometimes, people like me, who encourage everyone around them, need to be told that they are appreciated, that they matter; sometimes they need to be encouraged themselves.

So, if you are one of these people who are always there for others, know that your heart is rare.
Know that you hold within you an ability to calm storms in people.
Know that you give people hope, that you inspire them by acknowledging the pieces of them most ignore, that you make people feel wanted, that you make people feel like they have purpose.

I know you are getting tired of trying so hard. I know it's a lot to be the way you are and you won't ever admit it.

However, also remind yourself that you are not invincible. Your heart needs to rest. You need rest.
Remind yourself that you do not need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, that you may not be able to save everyone, that you may not be able to heal every hurt.
Remind yourself that you deserve to take all of the energy you put out into the world and invest it back into yourself from time to time.
That you are worthy of the love you keep giving to everyone else.
Remind yourself that you do not always have to be strong, that you do not always have to be the fixer.
Remind yourself that you can be human, that you can ask for help, that you do not always have to be the one to save yourself.

I want you to know I'm proud of you for your strength. I want you to know one day being exactly as you are, will pay off and you will meet someone who will fill you the same way you have filled others.
So until then, keep trying.
Keep holding onto that little bit of faith you have.
Keep being yourself and do not change.
One day, that empty feeling inside and that loneliness you can't shake, will be met with someone who looks you in the eyes and says "finally".

~ Zeina

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