♥{4} Battles

851 44 25

May 10th 2017, 00:20

I was testing a theory, and after countless nights I came to conclusion that it's true, sleep does not cure a troubled soul like it cures a tired body.

So here I lie awake talking to you, Moon, again.
You've always kept me company on my loneliest and darkest nights - and yes, tonight is one of them I guess.
You've always been that soothing light illuminating my thoughts and calming my ghosts.

So Moon, you do remember all the demons we've fought, all the battles we've won and all the victories we've tasted. Don't you?

Tell me then, why are we incapable of doing so now?
Why are we surrendering to the demons, losing all the battles and tasting nothing but defeat?

Oh, the new demons got an upgrade you say?

Well prepare yourself then, because we're upgrading our weapons too.

~ Zeina

[A/N] I don't know where the hell did this actually come from. It's madness, isn't it? :p

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