♥{45} Short Story

180 23 20

November 17th 2016, 18:35

He called at 23:15 on a Sunday night, and her heart sped up seeing his name light up the screen. But the excitement was short lived, because he sounded so conflicted on the other hand.

"She told me she missed me," he confessed. "She said she was sorry. What do I do?"

She suddenly felt like she was losing her grip as she hung off a cliff.
It was a long way down, and she knew the drop was coming.

"I don't know what to say."

"I just need a reason," he said. "Give me a reason not to go back." Me, you idiot! She wanted to say.

She wanted to yell it, say she'd treat him so much better, but she couldn't. His friendship was too important. His loyalty was too rare. So instead, she swallowed hard, and said, "I guess I don't have one."

And that was that.

~ Zeina

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