♥{46} Her

205 22 11

November 14th 2016, 07:05

I can listen to his voice non stop.

There's something about him that keeps me excited whenever he's speaking, no matter the subject. Yes, even if he's talking about her. And yes, even if it kills me.

I fix my eyes on his and examine their glow. They're sparkling like stars whenever he mentions her name.
If only he ever looked into mine, he'd see them glowing, just for him. But he never did.

Then I notice his eyes wandering to another direction, I look behind me and immediately know the reason. I watch him, watching her. I see his smile grow and his eyes take in her beauty. They meet, right there in the middle of everything, and he takes her in his arms and kisses her forehead. As he rests his chin on her head, a small smile, a happy smile appears on his face. And I realize that I love her and I hate her for the same reason. She makes him happy.

~ Zeina

Song of the day :
I Hate You I Love You by Gnash
Ft. Olivia O'Brien

“His mind was a library and I wanted to read all its books until I realized they were all about her.”

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