♥{49} Do You Love Your Body?

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December 16th 2016, 14:50

A question I wanted to ask you:
Do you love your body?
I know this is a horrible question but I can guarantee that half of you looked down to check.

Stretch marks are a wonderful thing to have. They're marks of your growth. They are lightening tattoos that signify you have been touched by Thor! The God of Thunder himself! They are a sign of your strength.
Love them.

Loving your body doesn't happen over night darlings trust me.
But just remember, even Hollywood stars, the face of "Perfection" in magazines, even they have stretch marks. Yet they are happy.

Please be gentle with your body. It loves you more than anyone or anything in this world. It fixes every cut, every wound, every broken bone, and fights off so many illnesses, sometimes without you even knowing about it.
Even when you punish it, it is still there for you, struggling to keep you alive, keep you breathing.

Your body is an ocean full of love.
So please, be kind to it. It's doing the very best it can.

Kiss your own fingertips and hug your own curves.
You are made of waves and honey and spicy peppers.
You are a goddess, I hope you haven't forgotten.

~ Zeina 

Merry Christmas everyone ❤
Wish you all the best xoxo

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