chapter 26

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So guys here ya go chapter 26 so sorry for being so M.I.A  lately. Been working and trying to sleep and it impossible but her ya go!


The dance was slow and perfect, ashley fit so well in my arms. I couldn't believe she was mine, I didn't deserve her. I was a selfish man and couldn't give her up to anyone else. "Alexander" she whispered out "the dance stopped. I stopped and couldn't help feel so stupid, she was right the dance did stop. I led her over to a table where my parents sat. I could see from the far corner Madison was giving ashley a cold stare. "Who's that over there" ashley asked me as she sipped on the wine. "That would me Madison my sister's friend, she's wanted me since the first day we met. I told her no that I didn't do relationships and showing up at a wedding with you plus the fact we are  dating. She's just mad it's nothing to worry about ash" I told her. I saw her face she put up a small smile but I could tell on the inside she felt something else. "Alexander go dance with your sister now would you" my mother said to me. I smiled to ash before leaving the table. My sister was dancing with jasper her now new husband I didn't want to break it up. "hey xander my I have a dance" I female voice said from behind. I turned to see Madison, I wasn't in the mood to deal with her but I had little to no choice. Before I knew it we were dancing, she kept trying to press her self as close as she could to me. I wanted her off of me and now. "Come on xander you said you didn't want a girlfriend but looks like you do now. I could make it worth your wild" she said to me, I want to gag at how unattractive she was. It was like she was begging for it. "I am not looking for anything Madison give up" I told her and pulled away. I didn't feel like dancing I much rather be with ashley. I turned to look over to her, she saw me dancing with Madison. The look on her face when I saw her broke me. I started I walk over to her, "Alexander you will never have anything better then me" Madison yelled out. I ignored her and walked over to ashley. "What was that about?" Ash asked. I opened my mouth to tell her what happened, "Alexander give up she's a little trap you found in a dinner, don't think I don't know about her. Little blonde tramp, probably only with you for money" Madison yelled. Everyone at the wedding was now quite and looking at us. Ashley looked as if she might cry, tears filled her eyes. Madison look like she was on top of the world but she was about to be knocked down. "Well Madison seems to me you have a big mouth on you their and maybe you should shut it too. I am not a fan of other people's used things" I said to her with a smile. It was no secret that she was sleeping with many Wealthy men. Everyone turned to look at her, it seems I hit her over sized ego. I turned to go to Ashley but she was gone. "Mom where did she go" I asked. She pointed to the door that lead outside. I ran out looking for ashley, it had started to rain outside. I ran out in the distance down the road I saw her.


I left. I didn't wait another minute I left as Madison went on calling me names. Was this what people thought about me. I felt like the luckiest girl ever but now I knew. Girls like me don't belong with guys like him. I walked down the road the wait soaking me cold to the bone. "Ashley!" I voice called out from behind me, I knew it was Alexander it had to be. For once though I hoped it wasn't. "Ashley wait" his voice yelled getting close to me. A hand grabbed me stopping me from going any further. He spun me around to face him, my face was wet from tears and my body from the rain. "Please ash she is nothing don't listen to her" he told me. I wanted to stop crying but I couldn't. "Alexander she's right I am wrong for you" I cried out. I couldn't stop, he didn't push me away though he held me in his arms. "Girls like me don't belong with rich amazing handsome men Alexander...but some how I ended up with you and the worst part is I love you" I cried. I said it oh my god I told him I loved him. "Ashley the day I met you I couldn't take my eyes off you, your the most amazing woman ever. To her that you feel the same way I do its music to my ears"  he said to me. "You don't feel the same" I said letting more tears spring to my eyes. "Woman you will be the death of me. I love you. More then anything in this world." He whispered to me.

We drove back to his house, both soaking wet. I was cold and shaking, Alexander had given me his coat but it didn't help. "Come your going to get sick" he said taking off his shirt and Un doing my dress. It dropped to the floor leaving me in just my panties. I covered my chest with my arms to scared to show him me. He didn't spring on me he held me close taking me to the bathroom. The bathroom was huge with a bath and separate shower. The shower was like it's own room almost with glass windows. I slipped off my panties and stepped into the warm water. Alexander joined me with no clothes on as well. It he held his arms around me from behind as water fell on both of us. This man was everything I needed and more. I loved him.

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