Chapter 16

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So this is the what if chapter, as in what if Ariana and Alejandro never fell in love what if he stayed with Natalia. hope you enjoy! after this it will go back to normal story.


I hated working for this big time asshole, I watched as his girlfriend kept coming in and out everyday. Little did she know he was with another girl on the side, the girl from down at the front desk what's her name Carly. She knew all about Natalia but she didn't care she like being all whore like I guess. I was working long days right now I just needed to prove that I could make it here to my dad. I hadn't seen him in months it felt like, he was always out with some new whore. I wished things could be different for me, I continued on with my day all the boring stuff. I watched Natalia come up and enter Mr. Martinez's office fuck him then leave, at the end of the night he would take home Carly unless it was a weekend then it was Natalia. I left that night going back to my motel room beside my job, my apartment building was torn down and I had no where else to go. I had no friends and no real family I was just alone in the world. I had taken to going out to the clubs around town I didn't have much going for me so why try. A new club had just opened up down the road and I was more then happy to go check it out. I threw on a tight outfit and walked over to the new place. Music poured out the doors and the lights could be seen from a mile away. The bouncer let me in right away he must of like what he saw, the place was crowed. I walked up to the bar and ordered myself a drink I sipped at it not wanting to get too drunk right away. I walked around looking for someone to take me home for the night, I felt like a bit of a whore doing such things but hey I had one life why not make it a fun one. I didn't notice where I was going until I bumped into a tall frame, "sorry I didn't see you.....Mr. Martinez" I said in shock as I looked up at my boss. "Your Ariana my assistant right damn I hire me the good ones" he said to me, I let a blush play on my cheeks. "can I buy you a drink" he asked me "sure why not what's one drink" I said, little did I know that would be the biggest mistake of my life.

The next morning

I woke up in a cloud like softness and a warm body near me, had I drank that much last night? I rolled over to see the new hunk I went home with, I looked to see my boss?!?! oh my god I slept with my boss, shit maybe if I leave he wont notice I was here or remember me. I looked over to find my clothes I slipped them on to see I had to be at work in an hour. I raced down stairs and caught a cab, I hoped he wouldn't remember what had happened tonight. I finally made it to the office lucky for me I left extra clothes here for myself. I ran to the bathroom to change into my clothes.  

3 months later

Shit shit shit I said to myself as I paced around my shitty bathroom looking down at the 4 pregnancy tests I had taken. I knew Alejandro didn't remember that night he never said anything about it but now this changed things. I hadn't slept with anyone else after that night so I knew he was the father. I couldn't go into work today I had to quit move leave I didn't want him knowing about this. It would never be his problem.

Weeks later I had packed my stuff into my new crappy car and drove away I didn't know where I was going it would be anywhere but here though

6 years later

I was in jersey I had a 6 year old son who I named Alexander, we had been doing fine on our own but I cant tell Alex needs a father. Every man I meet never stays they fuck me and leave me they don't want a kid and single mom. I read the TMZ and magazines all the time keeping track of Alejandro and Natalia. I guess Natalia finally found out about Carly and she left him, little did he know she had a baby girl named Cassie a year ago. She never went back to him though he had full clam on the child, she straightend up and became a good mom for her daughter. I wished I had money coming in but my job only made so much money. I knew I couldn't give my son a good life he would never have money. Thoughts had come to me about going to his father for money but I knew he never would. Was this my life a single mother with no money what if my life was different

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