Chapter 54

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Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness and light into our lives. – By Kartini Diapari-Oengider



"Happy Birthday Honey." I rained kisses on Ethan's face while he was in half sleep.

Today was Ethan's 28th Birthday. We had celebrated his 27th birthday by morning sex and then we had a party with our family and relatives. It was the same for my birthday too. But that was before I got pregnant. We had stopped making love about three months ago because I was due in next two days and Ethan didn't want to risk anything. So we just settled for making out for long and cuddling.

"Thank you, baby." Ethan's eyes opened fully and he gave me a heartwarming smile. I leaned forward to kiss him on the lips with as far as my pregnant belly could let me. My belly was huge with the twins. I felt a kick in my stomach and I gasped breaking the kiss.

"What happened?" Ethan asked worried.

"They kicked." I told him. Ethan got excited whenever I told him about their activities just like the first time they had kicked and he had felt it on his palm.

"Hey! No troubling mommy." He said to my belly as if they could hear what he was saying.

Again they kicked and this time it was hard. It was painful but I tried not to let my face give away my pain. Ethan would get worried and I didn't want to stress him.

I made my way towards the bathroom and Ethan followed me in. We had a bath together, mostly because he wouldn't let me alone in the bathroom and secondly because, it was his birthday. We came out half an hour later fully washed up. Ethan had taken the day off and we were going to have a small party at home itself because he didn't want to exert me especially when the babies would come out anytime soon.

I got dressed in one of my loose dresses that reached up to my knees and the sleeves up to my wrist. We emerged downstairs and saw that every was almost there. It was just a few days back that we had gathered here for the gender revealing celebration and now here we were again. My babies kicked in my stomach probably because they were excited to see their grandparents from both sides and uncle and aunts.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten that it was Ethan's birthday because they all rushed to my side asking me my whereabouts. Seb wished him first and then one by one everyone wished him.

I was seated on the couch with a pillow pressed behind my back. I tried to smile at everyone when they gave me a warm smile. I know why. I was full nine months pregnant with a huge belly, more huge than any another pregnant woman and I had grown a lot of weight and my cheeks were chubby and Ethan said I looked cute. But today though it was Ethan's birthday my heart was fluttering like crazy. There was a strange uneasiness that had settled over me.

Alex came and sat besides me offering me a glass of juice. I took it from her and the cool sweetness did wonders to my parched throat.

"Give it to me." Alex said when I was done.

"Alex, come here for a minute." My Dad yelled at from the corner where he was working on a set of speakers.

"Its okay, I'll do it. Anyway my muscles have cramped from sitting for too long." I said and got up from my seat. I went in the kitchen and placed the glass back. When I turned around, my elbow hit the box of tissues and it fell on the floor. I bent to pick it up and just then I felt a sharp pain shoot through my belly. I gave out a cry and tried to straighten myself. But the pain got worse and in an instant I felt some liquid gush out of me. I gasped seeing what it was.

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