Chapter 16

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Today is Saturday. Ethan called me in the morning telling me that he wanted to spend the entire day with me. I was more than happy to have him here. I was waiting for him to come. Just then the door bell rang and I ran to open it.

Ethan stood there wearing casual clothes. He had a bag which I assume is takeout lunch. I pulled him inside and we sat in the living room. I kept the food in the microwave and came to sit besides Ethan
We sat in front of the T. V. After some time when I looked at him, he seemed deep in thought. I turned facing him.

"You seemed lost. What's the matter?"


"You seemed lost. What's the matter? " Erica asked me.

I so wanted to ask her about Caleb but again I didn't want to sound like I doubted her. I trusted her, that she won't cheat on me but that nagging thought in my mind about her lying to me annoyed me.

"I'm just worried about us. I sometimes feel like we are not able to open up to each other. Like there is something about you that I can't figure out."

She stiffened a bit. I realized that there is surely some matter. She may not tell me but I wasn't ready to give up.

"There's nothing like that.You are just over thinking. "

I knew she was lying but I couldn't understand. Didn't she trust me?
"You trust me right? If there is something you'll tell me right?" I cupped her cheeks and spoke with utmost sincerity.

She nodded. I could see the crease of worries on her forehead. It seemed like she wanted to tell me something but wasn't able to speak. I decided that I would give her time. I pulled her body closed to mine and embraced her. She smelt good, she always does. I closed my eyes and relaxed with her in my arms. She broke the silence.

"Let's eat, I am hungry." She said excitedly.


She placed our food on separate trays and we ate our food in silence. The only sound that could be heard was of spoons and plates.


For the first time it felt that we both wanted to talk but at that moment silence felt better. He knew it, Ethan knew something about me and Caleb. He tried to spill it out of me. But at the same time he didn't push too much. He understood that I needed time even before I could say something and I was grateful for that. I know I couldn't hold this secret much longer, I had to tell him sooner.

Lunch finished and we both sat in complete silence.I was mentally preparing myself to tell him. I looked at him, closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I am an illegitimate child." I spoke in one breath and lowering my gaze.


I looked up at Ethan saw him staring at me in bewilderment. I spoke again, "I am an illegitimate child. My parents were never married." I spoke with my head hanging low.

He seemed to grasp the new information. Then he spoke, "There are many children whose parents are not married. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"You don't understand, my dad cheated on his wife with my mother."

He seemed to understand the depth of the situation. He held both my hand in his hands and placed hem on his lap.

I continued, "I am a mistake Ethan. I never got my Dad's name. I am his litle secret that he has kept hidden from the world." This time tears started pouring out of my eyes.

"Hey hey! You are not a mistake. You are the best thing that could happen to anyone.You're the best thing that has happened to me. Your dad loves you and never degrade yourself. Remember that okay? " He spoke as if talking to a five year old.

He wiped my tears with his fingers and embraced me.

"Caleb is my step brother.That day when he came to your office I was shocked to see him.I came to meet you but then I saw him and he wanted to talk something so we went to the café. I didn't want to lie to you but I also didn't know how to tell you so..."
I stopped my ramble and looked at Ethan's face. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. His mouth hung open and eyes were literally popping out.

"Ethan." I called out.

"Caleb is your brother?I"


I felt at loss of words after hearing the new piece of information. Caleb is Erica's brother. The same Caleb that I grew up with. It meant uncle Richard is Erica's father.I have known The Taylors my entire life. How did I not know this?

I looked at Erica and felt my heart ache for her. She deserved all the love in her life. I pulled her tightly in my arms and soothed her. After some time she stopped crying.

"You know since I was a child I always wanted a family. Loving parents.An older brother who could protect me.A sister with whom I could fight with. You know the concept of family,waiting for your dad to return from work so he could take you to park. In school when there was parent-teachers meet I always wished that my dad could come but he never came.After my mother's death I became all alone. Sure he loved me but always kept me hidden.For his wife I was always been a mistake, a bad luck.... "

I stopped her by placing my hand on her mouth. I couldn't listen to her talking negatively about herself.

" Never say like that sweetheart.You are the best. You are not bad luck. You always bring positivity to me and to others. I am sorry I doubted you. I promise to never doubt you again. I won't allow anyone to speak bad about you. Just please forgive me. Please."
I said with sincerity.

"Its not your fault, I should've told you earlier. I never had the courage to tell you. You know dad called me today to invite me for family dinner but I refused. I don't like to go there. His family doesn't like me. Caleb is the only one who doesn't hate me. Today Caleb wanted to talk to me so I went with him."

"I understand Baby, I understand. You don't need to explain anything. I trust you."

She stopped sobbing after some time. We had our lunch and I began talking to her about random things just to divert her mind from our earlier conversation. She appeared happier after some time. Seeing her smile I felt myself smile too. I felt warmth fill up my heart seeing her smile.I felt happy seeing her happy.




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