Chapter 31

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Surprise! Surprise! Two chapters in a day. Enjoy my lovely readers.


It were these moments that I hated the most. When you want some things desperately, every force forbids you from getting it and when you want to avoid something it comes back slapping on your face. My life has become on hell of an example. It has been exactly one day since Ethan broke things with me.

I was right here in my office contemplating whether to go in Ethan's office or not. He had been avoiding me like plague and that wasn't sitting well with my pride. I wasn't going to show him that I was desperate even though my patience was hanging on a thin thread. I kept repeating in my mind that this was workplace and I had to be professional. I couldn't let my personal issues come in my way. Taking a deep breath I knocked on his door and within a few moments his deep voice called me in. I entered and saw him engrossed in his work woth his head shoved down the file.

"I have the quotations from the company and I went through all of them. I have already prepared the file for the tender, if you want you can go through it again." I placed the file on his desk and was about to leave when a female voice called out to me from behind.

"Look at who is here. The home wrecker. Aren't you satisfied with the amount of pain you have caused to people? You simply live to destroy people's happy lives, don't you? " Christine appeared from the door way and began shouting at me. I ignored her and began walking past her. Honestly after yesterday I wasn't surprised that she was here. She stopped me before I could walk out completely.

"I don't understand why Ethan was infatuated with you. You deserve all the hate, afterall first your mother and then you, had ruined perfectly beautiful families." I knew where she was going. She wanted to degrade me in front of Ethan. She was going to bring back the buried secrets of my past. The mistakes that no matter how much I tried I could never rectify them.

"What are you talking about? Be clear." Ethan spoke for the first time.

"It's nothing." I interjected before she could respond. I wanted to tell him everything but not like this.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me she didn't tell you? You know how her mother ruined my mother's life. Afterall she is the product of my father's mistakes." She said as if I was a dirty piece of crap.

"Its not her fault. If anyone has to be blamed then it should be your father. He didn't have to cheat. Erica didn't harm your family." Ethan spoke in my defense.

"I never said that she broke my family. Infact if she would've told you earlier how much of a home wrecker she was you wouldn't be with her. Ask her how she broke her professors home." She spoke with venom dripping down her tongue I held back my tears because I refused to cry in front of her.

"What professor? Be clear Christine, don't create mysteries."

"Wait." I spoke out aloud stopping whatever she was going to say. If my past was to be brought out here then I was going to say this and make everything clear.

"I'll tell you." I said my voice defeated. Christine had a victorious smirk on her face.

"Back when I was in High school, we had a professor named Dr. Steven. He was a very friendly teacher. Very handsome, about 25 years old. I used to assist him as a part of my service. Slowly and gradually I felt myself growing towards him. I knew he was my professor and I was his student. I was attracted to him and I told no one about it except for Alex. I was lonely at that time. I desperately wanted someone's attention, someone to care about me. There was Alex but she couldn't be always be by my side. I liked him a lot but I never expected him to return the feelings. He used to flirt with me and we were a lot closer than any student teacher could be. Once he hinted something along that he liked me too. We decided to keep it low profile because if we were caught having an affair it would cost him his job and me my career. We continued seeing each other for like seven months and I felt actually happy. He cared about me a lot. Or at least that was what I thought. Once I saw a photo of a child of about two year's old in his wallet. I asked him and he said that he was his nephew. And me being the fool I was I believed him.

After a few days we were casually meeting at the back entrance of the school in the evening. There was no one around. It was already late but it was our daily spot. But that day our Principal was having a stroll around the campus and he caught us. Dad was the trustee of our School and our principal knew that I was his daughter so he informed Dad first instead of kicking me out of school. Dad came and settled the matters. Later I got to know from the Principal that Dr. Steven was a married man and the picture I had seen in his wallet was his two year old son's.

I was emotionally drained. I felt guilty that I was the one who probably caused pain to his wife. I destroyed his family. I let him cheat his wife. I was a having an affair with a married man. I became the his mistress. I regret it at this point and no matter how much I try to forget it, I can't take back what I did. I swear if I knew that he was cheating I would have never done that." I was fully an emotional mess now but it felt good to confess everything. I had nothing to lose now because whatever I had, was already lost. I didn't look at Ethan's face. Though we were over now, I couldn't bear to see his hate towards me.

"It's not your fault that he was a cheating bastard. Everyone deserves to be loved and you did nothing wrong. You didn't know he was married." Ethan spoke after a long moment of pause. I was somewhat relieved that he didn't blame me. But that couldn't hide the fact that he himself asked me to be his mistress.

Not able to control myself any further I walked out of the room. I didn't see Christine's reaction, I didn't want to see what they were talking. It would only hurt me so much and I wasn't ready to face the truth yet, the truth that I had lost the love of my life. I had lost Ethan.


I already knew where this was going when she began speaking. I wanted nothing more than to have her in my arms and comfort her. She was crying and I could do nothing to make her feel better. I couldn't bear to see her cry. I also felt guilty that I said such a thing to her that day. If I could take back my words then I would. But whatever was said, was said. I was causing her pain and I absolutely hated that. She had made the wrong choice back then and she made the wrong choice to be with me now. She deserved every happiness, every moment of her life to be filled with love and care. But I wasn't the one going to love her no matter how desperately I wanted to.

"I can't believe that you didn't blame her. It's better that you broke things with her. She has given so much pain to others. She doesn't deserve to be happy."  Christine's voice brought me back to the present. She was still here?

"Enough of that now. I won't tolerate any word against Erica now. You got what you wanted so leave. Leave her alone and don't come here again. This is my office not a cafe where you come as you please. I work here. Have some respect towards my work." I angrily snapped at her. She became red with anger and angrily stomped out of the door. I inhaled a deep breath to calm myself. I distracted myself by concentrating on work because the longer I thought about Erica the more I longed for her. It was just a day without her in my life, how was I going to survive my entire life?


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