Chapter 25

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Never in my life had I expected to feel in such a way. Never had I felt so deeply towards someone, but with Erica I feel like I am the most luckiest person alive. She makes me happy. She makes me desperate, she makes me want to shower her with all my love and keep her forever in my heart. My thoughts were interrupted with the ringing of my phone. It was my Dad.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hello son. I want to have a conversation with you, its very urgent and you have to come here as soon as possible." He said.

"What's the matter? Is everything alright? " I got worried. What could be so urgent that he called me so urgently?

"Yes, everything is alright. Just come home." He said and hung up.

I immediately rushed home to see the matter. I saw him sitting in his study. I went towards him and he gestured me to sit with them.

"Son, come." He said.

"What's the matter? "

"Son, we have a good news for you. Your mother and me, we have fixed your wedding with Christine." He said with a proud smile on his face. His wors left me speechless.

"What? Wedding? With Christine? No way. I wouldn't marry her. You know I don't like her and besides you can't decide whom I marry. That's my decision and I am not marrying anyone now." I said with a tone of authority and finality. There was no way I'd marry Christine or any other women as long as she wasn't Erica.

"I am not asking for your permission Ethan. Christine loves you and The Taylor's want that. We agreed to the wedding. We have known them for so long, it would be great to join the families in a relationship. Christine will make a perfect wife for you. " He said casually as if it wasn't a big deal.

"I don't love her and you didn't ask me anything. You can't take decisions of my life. I am never doing that. "

"Come on Ethan. It was never your decision to make. Sooner or later we were going to do that. " He said. I was confused about what he said. What did he mean by it was already decided.

"What do you mean? "

" When you were younger, both the families decided to convert our friendship into a relationship of families. What else could be better than you marrying Christine? It would benefit both our companies. We both become stronger with each others support. "

"How can you do that to me? I am never going do that. You can trade me off like that? I am not a f*cking toy. I am not getting involved in your little business. And this topic is not up for decision anymore. My decision is final." With that said, I rose from my seat and stormed away towards the door. I was furious with this marriage idea. Just as I was about to open the door Dad's voice stopped me.

"If you don't do as I say, you wouldn't like the consequences. " I stopped and turned to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"This company is mine, I'll have no other choice but to make you choose. Marry Christine and the company is yours or cancel the wedding and lose everything. Don't forget that the power is still with me. " That's it. I lost my temper. I couldn't believe that my own father was threatening me.

"How can you do that? I have worked my ass off for the company. You know I am the most deserving person for the CEO. You better not me messing with my head Dad. You can't threaten me. "

"I can and I will. You leave me no other choice. Its not like I am asking you to marry a stranger. Its your childhood friend. You both have grown up together." He said as if that justified his actions.

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