Chapter 26

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Ethan froze in his seat and looked at me. I froze too. How was I go to explain about family or lack of in my case? The Monroe's having acquaintances with Dad didn't help the situation. I had a suspicion that maybe they already knew about Mom and Dad. Ethan was about to speak but I cut him off. Ever since his sister and Mom had began talking to me or asked me anything, he answered for me. I was sure he was doing this to make me feel less uncomfortable and I was grateful for that but at some point I had to speak.

"Actually I live alone. My Dad lives with his family and my Mom passed away when I was a kid." I replied honestly.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that. What did you say again is your Dad's name? Maybe we know him." Now the most difficult part. I took a deep breath and spoke, "Richard Taylor."

She seemed to connect the dots and her eyes widened. Seb and Ella on the other hand looked bewildered. I explained further.

"I am the daughter of Caroline Williams and Richard Taylor."

"Wait, you mean Uncle Richard? How can you be uncle Richard's daughter? Ouch! " Seb spoke confused but stopped probably due to a kick on his shin by Ethan. He glared at him and grabbed my hands in a comforting manner. I was glad that I had him by my side.

"You are Caroline's daughter. I knew I had seen you somewhere. You look like her a lot. Same eyes, same smile. Very beautiful, just like her." I felt my eyes well up in tears. Never in my life had someone told me that I looked like my mother. It was a moment of joy and pride for me.

"You knew my Mother?" I was surprised that they knew my mom. By the way Juliette spoke, it seemed that she knew her well.

"Yes, we were very close. She was very dear to me." She said with a sad voice.

"Ethan did you know about it? You didn't tell me? " She accused him.

"It wasn't my place to tell you." He said defending himself. His mom just nodded and then everything fell into silence. It was getting awkward now, Seb must have realized thay since he spoke cutting the ice, "The food is delicious." I smiled and mumbled a quiet thank you. After the dinner they left and now it was only me and Ethan left. He circled my waist with his arms and mumbled in my ears, "You okay?" I nodded in response. After today I was a little overwhelmed with emotions but I was okay.


I was working my office going through files after files. I went to Ethan's office and saw him busy with a pile of files. He looked frustrated and his tie hung loose from his neck, his suit jacket was hung on his chair and his sleeves folded. I knocked once and he told me to come in without glancing at my way. I placed the files on his desk and waited for him to say something. He was still silent, so I took that as my cue to leave.

"Hey wait. I didn't see you, sorry. I am just a little busy. " He said.

"Its fine. I can see that you are busy. I'll come later. Don't worry." Giving him a reassuring smile I came out of his office. As soon as I came out I bumped into someone. I mumbled a quiet apology and looked up to see someone familiar.


We both froze momentarily. The last time we had talked was years ago, and it wasn't a pleasant exchange. She raised her eyebrows in question. I decided to start the conversation.

"Hi Christine, nice to see you." Okay maybe it wasn't nice but that is polite to say, isn't it? She was a little taken aback, but masked her surprise with a tight lipped smile. She went pass my way in Ethan's office. Now it was my turn to get surprised. What work did she have with him?

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