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"Mama,Mama," The sound of my daughters sweet delicate voice brings me from my dreams. At four years old Leela was as energetic as ever much to my misfortune. She shakes my arm and I have to stop her before I throw up.

"Yes baby?" I ask with my eyes still closed. I feel her slide off of the bed only seconds later I feel  her place her little elbows onto the mattress to get all in my face.

"Leeland took my damn pancake and I am starved." My eyes shoot open to glare at the small girl for using bad language. She was pouting at me. Her blue eyes bright and I reach up pushing her waist length white hair from her eyes. My daughter took my breathe away every time I looked at her.

"Were is daddy?" I ask her placing a hand over my stomach as I attempted to sit up. I could not scold her becuase I knew exactly were she learned that word. I will kill Embry the next time I see him.

"Wait Mommy. I got the pillow," Leela was always helping everybody no matter how much her uncle called her a little devil.

"Thanks Babycakes," I smile tiredly laying back.

"Were is Daddy?" I ask her again. She was worried about helping me instead of hearing the question.

"I heard the howls again," She whispers rasing her pale arms up and shrugging her shoulders.

She had a beaded purse hanging across her chest and fat belly. My daughter could eat and I was proud of her for eating her vegetables every night. Today she was wearing a red romper. The color was a bright contrast to her skin.

"Well were is Dad?" If Paul is off leading the pack then Jasper had to be close by somewhere. They both would not up in leave with me in my condition with the twins.

I had matured over the years and instead of a childish teenage body I had filled out considerably. Away went my slim waist and curves had developed forming an adult.

I had never noticed how much like A child I had looked in highschool. Now my maturity has a body to match it.

"Dad left too," Leelands voice is not as soft as his sisters as he answers the question.

Leeland has his arms crossed over his boney chest leaning against the door frame like Paul. He was thinner than his sister because his metabolism was high. It annoyed me.

He was watching the two of us like a body guard. Even his thick eyebrows were pulled together in concentration with no emotion visible in his green eyes. He needed to come down from the 'I want to be like my fathers' level because it worried me how he was just like the two.

Leeland had not given us the choice to keep his balck hair long. His hair would be beautiful long, but he hates it. So his hair is short like Pauls yet in a curly fro like Jaspers.

"Why did you steal your sisters pancake?" I ask as Leela sits between my parted legs leaning against my protruding belly. She was definitely a mama's girl.

"She had had three already Mama. I had two and I was hungry," I almost regret speaking to my kids in full sentences. Their abilities to create a full comprehensible sentence irked my nerves sometimes.

I grab Leela'a straight hair between my fingers as she plays with the red head Barbie she retrieved from within her purse.

"Come up here Pumpkin," I look at him and he looks out into the hall before coming to sit with me. It was no secret my son could hear Paul in his head. At first I despised it but I got used to the fact that he could always call one of his fathers in need.

He lay on his stomach watching Leela with his little hands supporting his head.

"Was there a diffrent way to solve this problome?" I ask starting to braid the soft white hair.

"Yea," He groans.

"Tell me what it is,"

"Mommy. He could have let me eat it because it would be the r-respectful thing to do," Leela struggled for a second before pushing the large word out. I was proud of her.

"You are right that is another way,but I was asking your brother."

"I could have saved it for you," he pushes his thin lips out squinting his brown eyes. He was absolutely adorable.

"That's right,"I reply finishing the long braid I made out of Leela's hair.

"Thank you mommy." She turns in my lap getting on her knees and places a sweet kiss to my lips.

"Your welcome babydoll." We could never go wrong with these kids.

"Now mama is hungry lets go downstairs." I pushed my legs over the edge of the bed. I felt so useless as I stood allowing my white gown to fall over my thighs.

It was sweet as Leeland reached his hand up to support my back as he and his sister took one of my hands. Leeland had a gift of strength. It was another trait I wanted him to have yet I know he can protect himself and his sister.

We were at the top of the stairs when Pauls deep voice sounds through out the place.

"I have no idea what you think you are doing,"I give him a guilty smile. I look towards Leeland knowing he told his father. He shrugged his shoulders looking away.

"I am going to the kitchen,"I shrug. He cocks his head to the side crossing his strong arms over his bare chest. The kids names in a bold black cursive font on both of his forearms. My name was across his chest in black argor font.

"Not down those stairs by yourself you are not," I smile at him as he walks up the stairs. He grabs me by the waist and I place my hands on his shoulder as the kids run to their separate rooms.

"You know babe. I can make it down there," I kiss his cheek as he hold onto me tighlty as I go down the steps with slow movements.

"Of course but what kind of father would I be if I let you struggle down?"He laughs rubbing his hand over my stomach.

"Hoepfully there is no surprises with our little two in one boy,"He places a chaste kiss to my lips.

"Right. Another set of Twins would cause you to pull your beautiful hair out,"

Jasper comes up behind me and kisses the wolf mark on my neck. They knew exactly how to make a girl feel loved.

I had not imagined my life going this way. Twenty one years old with two wonderful children,a home, married, having another baby,and being the den mother of a pack of wolves.

I would say life has been pretty damn good to me.

I am working on another story with Embry Call and an OC in it. So it is the end of Kaylas story yet there will be more seen in this new story.

So I hope you all will read it when I post it

Where you hoping too see more of the kids?

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