Chapter 30: All differences set aside...

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Jasper and Paul weren't in the house and I could have easily taken the chance to look inside the nursery they've been working on for the past few months but I didn't. Instead I chose to take a warm shower and put on some black leggings with a red off the shoulder sweater along with an added grey scarf for the winter weather kicking in along with my black trench coat even though I've been super warm.

It's been fascinating to watch my body change through the months except having to buy clothes a lot more than expected. I can say that I've gained about 50 pounds this pregnancy considering I was 140 pounds before. I eat all the time it gets annoying, I guess that's what happens when you have a wolf baby growing inside of you.

Today I am meeting up with Bella at Starbucks, I was surprised she'd even answered my call but she was very glad that I had reached out to her considering it has been a while, she said that she'll bring a healthy lunch and everything. Which I can not wait to eat because my stomach has been rumbling. I'm going to ask her about John and give her the chance to explain herself. Then after our lunch date I finally get to see Leah and Seth.

I wait for the taxi with my left hand applying pressure to my lower back as the little munchkin inside of me kicks. The baby has been real active lately leaving me with sleepless nights and to make it worst when I do get sleep with one of the two men in my life. Jasper will leave, or Paul will leave, or they'll both leave in the middle of the night and the baby senses it because he/she makes sure I know.

Even being a bit sleepy I can't keep the smile off my face as I rub my tummy. The little creature inside of me is special, real special to me and the whole family.

The taxi pulls up to the front of the house and I thank Marco as he helps me into the car. He's got tan skin with a beard and messy hair underneath a black beanie but has perfect teeth and soft light brown eyes. My dad knows him so I have nothing to fear letting him help me considering he Is the only taxi driver now days to give the Swans a ride. He told us that he feels 'honored' to do so because of my father's status and I've always thought it was odd but I am proud that Charlie is so respected.

The seat inside is comfy and clean thankfully and I must bend down a bit to get inside.

"So Kayla, how are you? Congratulations dear" he asks looking through the rear-view mirror at me and I smile at him.

"Great, It's almost my due date!" I announce proudly, I want to see my little munchkin ever since finding about him/her, but I'm most definitely going to miss my baby being inside of me. Being pregnant young isn't such a huge deal to me. I'm getting my classes done online and I know that I'm going to graduate when it's time to, there is no doubt about it.

I've heard the stories of women getting pregnant in their teens and find out perhaps a decade later they have cancer or something life threatening and that they were glad they had their children when they did. It's the possibility of it never happening that counts.

"How are you? The wife and Kids?" I ask. The old man has 6 kids and three are already graduated considering they're triplets. Now only three left in the house with his lovely wife Peyton.

"Oh, they're all doing great, Peyton is still trying to cook the apple pies," he tells me with a twinkle in his eyes as he talks about her.

"Oh really, was it burnt...again?" We both laugh loudly and out of amusement he tells me not to tell if I'd ever think about it.

Starbucks isn't as full as I had anticipated it to be. Just a couple of "to go" here and there. An elder couple sitting in the far corner smiling at one another lovingly and few others loitering around.

The strong aroma of coffee is soothing, if I don't drink any of the deliciousness.

"So how have you been?" Bella twirls her straw around the Carmel frappe she's been sipping on as I take a huge bite out of the teriyaki sandwich that looks like it's from subway but it isn't, Esme made it along with Bella's ham sandwich that she has yet to even touch in the fifteen minutes of being here. She did eat two cookies though.

I swallow the food and I assume the little munchkin likes it as I get a kick and the same old little odd tingle in my back.

"Good, less stressful these past few months of resting and recuperating," I tell her. Of course, I haven't forgiven her fully for what she had done to me and my child on the cliff, but at the end of the day she is my eldest sister and my child's aunt.

I do take note that Bells brown eyes are not looking directly into my eyes, but at my protruding belly with guilt and quiet tears welling up inside.

"I'm so sorry," She whispers the tears falling down her pale cheeks. Her silky dark locks falling to cover her face. She looks genuinely sad and guilty like she means it this time.

"I-I was so stupid and inconsiderate, I've been so selfish and obsessed with Edward. I actually do Love him and it is so hard to get everyone to understand what Edwards and I have with one another," Her voice cracks and it's the most compassionate I've ever seen her and the tears leave my eyes when seeing hers. I reach for her hand and hold her cold ones in mine for comfort.

I do get it though, the supernatural love triangle, it is very hard to understand and extremely complicated on so many levels. I have seen first hand the destruction of this other world love especially in Leah. I just do not want to see it in Bella what I saw in Leah.

I want Bella to do better, to be better than some spoiled brat that can't take the time to consider the other people around her.

The baby kicks and I suck in a sharp breath squeezing Bella's hand. My eyes sealed at the pain and discomfort.

"Are you alright?" Bella asks moving to my side placing an arm around my back as I apply pressure to the specific area.

"Yea it's nothing, I was too emotional," I chuckle.
Bella let's out a shaky breath and I bet she looks very paniced and clueless.

"Do you want to feel?" I ask her smiling widely,opening my eyes when the feelings go away.

She hesitates "Come on Bella you are the aunt, you have to at least feel your niece or nephew while inside of my belly," I don't give her room for argument with me.

I turn in the chair, leaving her to squat on the floor. I grab her hands and place them on either side of my tummy and there is an instant reaction. Bellas' eyes light up and a big smile graces her face.

"How does it feel?" she looks mesmerized. As any other person that feels a baby while it's in utero.

"It feels like I'm being kicked from the inside, it's a wonderful feeling of the baby movingy around inside of me, it's like a little butterfly,"

"I've been thinking with my head lately and I am truly sorry, I have been missing out on my little sisters first pregnancy, my little niece or nephew. I've put you in danger so many times and I have been making so many mistakes and I understand fully if you won't forgive me," She tells me her hands had gravitated from my stomach to holding onto both of my hands.

"I do forgive you, I'll always forgive you, you just have to earn your spot back in my heart," I whisper. My mind was set. Always forgive or suffer. I can forgive her for what she had done but the empty spot in my chest left by her snd Rene have to be earned.

She pulls me up from my seat with a lot of gentle effort and we hug each other tightly. I snuggle into her. I can't remember the last time Bella and I hugged each other with so much meaning and it feels wonderful.

"I love you, Kayls,"

"I love you too Bells," I whisper back enjoying this moment.




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