Chapter 22: Jumping for the waves...

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A few days later I was caught up with everything going on.

Victoria wants Bella because Edward killed James, so Victoria is killing people in the woods too but Bella isn't the only one being wanted.

It all started happening a couple weeks ago a few items missing here or there but nothing big that is noticeable to others.

I haven't told anyone about it. I don't know if I should be concerned or not.

It's night time Bella is in her room curled up in a ball dwelling in her "heartbreak" and depression, once again she hasn't said much since she heard I was pregnant.

I have the lamp on and closet light on because I have become a bit paranoid.

I lay in bed in a pink sports bra and my black spandex a hand on my belly watching Finding nemo while eating Popcorn, Brownies, and carrots with ranch.

I giggle at Dory she's so adorable. My phone rings I answer it "hello?" I ask
"It's me rose!" I hear her melodic voice I jump up squealing knocking popcorn around "Rose oh my god how are you?" I ask squealing in joy.

She laughs "I'm bigger and we're doing great," she says "I'm just eating some Brownies," she says "awe Rosie me to," I say back I miss her so much and jasper "Oh yea and I'm pregnant!" I whisper yell into the phone.

"Seriously?! congrats who's the daddy," she asks and I can feel my cheeks heat up at the memory of what Paul did to me last night.

"Paul Lahote," I reply dreamily. I can't ever stop thinking of him and his Adonis self.

"Seriously! That wet dog," she says disgusted then gasp at a realization "I mean-,"

"Rose I know their wolves he imprinted on me," I say yawning it's 1A.M. I have been waiting on Paul do get done with patrol.

"Rosie I got to go, call me soon love you, "I say with another yawn.

"I need to sleep too... love you more," she says softly and we hang up.

I watch some more of the movie before I fall asleep trying to stay up but failing helplessly.

I feel as strong, warm hands pull me towards them protectively one hand on my stomach the other securely wrapped around my tiny form. Making my whole body tingle at the familiarity of his touch and how I love the feeling.

"Pauly?" I whisper knowing it's him but making sure "It's me princess," he says

"Wait," I say I turn around so I'm facing him and wrap myself up in him and his warmth. My legs tangled with his, arms around him with my body as close to his muscular body as possible so I can feel his shirtless self against mine. Especially the way it feels like he's protecting the baby as my belly, our baby, is in the way a bit. To feel safe and protected. I molded perfectly against him. It feels like I was meant to be here next to him.

I put my head into the crook of his neck and listen as he inhales my scent and I held tighter to him and began to slowly drift back off to sleep but not before I hear one last thing slip from Paul's mouth "soon," and he drug his sharp pearly whites along the crook of my neck and with that I fall into a peaceful


Bella wakes me up moving my hair behind my ear. Sometimes she's so caring other times I don't know what wrong with her.

"Hey Kayla were going to go down to LaPush for a bit and see Billy," she says softly.

"Okay," I say opening my eyes to see her in a black long-sleeved shirt and her skinny jeans.

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