Chapter 1: Moving In Day

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My mother Rene left my father Charlie taking Bella with her when I was young. As far as I could remember she was distant from me. Bella had always been the perfect child in their eyes. I was the odd ball out of the couple having a darker complexion.

The last sixteen years Charlie and I have been together through thick and thin with an occasional visit to Arizona to see Bella. Today though Bella comes back to forks after her years away because Rene and her new husband needed alone time without kids.

Dad and I picked out the furnishing for her bedroom. With her being gone the large room was for guest considering she never visited Forks. Dad had finally allowed me the bigger room much to my own pleasure.

I could now have space for my make-up station. I was allowed to decorate it of course with blood red paint that Charlie disapproved of. Everything was rearranged to my comfort- Dads effort-.

"Kayla, I'm on my way to the airport to pick up your sister. You do not want to come, right?" my dad shouted from downstairs.

"No dad!" Bella was more awkward than Dad could be and the tension in the car would be thicker than the great wall of china. I wanted no part in their silence.

"Alright then. I will see you!" he called back leaving the house in the police cruiser.

While he was gone, I showered and put on my pajamas. I was attempting to draw the silver wolf that kept appearing in my dreams, but it was not working out as I had planned because I was not the best at drawing.

I did not know how long it had been before the rattling sound of the cruiser rolling across the rocks could be heard. I groan leaving my bed to stand in the hall and greet my sister from the top of the stairs

"Hey Bella. How was the flight?" I had never flown before so I had no idea what it was like once you get off.

She did not look at me as she spoke, her eyes were scanning the house she had not been in a while. I moved to the side as her and dad walked up the stairs.

"Hey Kayla, the flight was crowded," she replied as her and dad stood in the doorway of what used to be my old room.

"We decorated, hope you like it" dad said nervously. He wanted to impress her even though we had no idea what it was one hundred percent what she liked. We chose dark purple.

"Yeah, it's good, perfect even. Thanks guys" Bella said looking around the room with a past look on her dull face. The similarities between her and dad were absolutely astounding.

"So, we will leave you to it Bell's." Dad walked from the room slowly leaving the two of us.

"Yeah" Bella replied looking around then at me.

"Night," I said and gave her a smile before leaving the bedroom.

The next day I wake up too early. Six in the morning and school had not even started back up yet.

I stretch out before walking to the bathroom across the hall as no one else was up yet. I turned on the water and blasted YouTubes top two hundred songs of the year before getting in. I got out after exactly four songs played, brushed and blow dried my hair before I going back into my bedroom.

I viewed myself in the mirror hanging on my closet door.

My hair is a lighter brown like Renee's but it reaches a few inches past my waist. Bella's hair is only to her shoulders and is like dads, dark.

Unlike Bella and her very thin body, I'm more on the thick side with curves and I wear glasses sometimes, not to mention I have a sense of style.

I don't walk around wearing baggy t-shirts and mom jeans because I could never find them comfortable. My eyes are a very light hazel blueish color and I have big plump lips, whereas Bellas eyes are dark brown like mom and dad along with her thin lips. I found myself to be more attractive than my sister yet she was always the center of attention.

I dig through my closet and pull out my black joggers and a red V-neck. I match it with the necklace Embry gave me. It's a friendship necklace with the single word best and he had the matching chain with friend on it.

Sitting in front of the closet mirror with my music on I apply some mascara on my long eyelashes, I did my lids with Smokey eyeliner and my red lipstick. To finish the look, I wear my glasses instead of hassling with contacts. Sometimes they were so inconvenient especially when I was feeling lazy.

By seven thirty I am done and I walk into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I cooked pancakes with cheesy eggs. By the last pancake, the smell had circulated throughout the house and Bella and Dad had come down the stairs.

"Good morning," Dad mumbles before sipping the coffee I placed in front of him along with the newspaper.

"Morning Kayla," Bella says making her and dad a plate. She was wearing over worn skinny jeans and a gray t-shirt with some dirty converse, I could not tell if they were black or grey.

"Bella what do you have on? "I ask raising my eyebrows. She looks at me and shrugs.

"I guess it's comfortable," she finally answers and we all dig into our food as I shake my head at her response.

The day was spent catching up with each other, too my displeasure and boredom, I could  have been hanging out with my friends right about now.

Finally, the time came. I was already outside minutes before Jacob and his dad finally arrived with the crusty old red truck that Jacob fixed up. I handed him the tools that he had used to fix up the truck much to his luck.

"Bella, I want you to come and meet someone!" dad called as he came out of the house and joined us all. Bella didn't take long coming outside. She walked over and stood beside dad.

"Bella, do you remember my friend Billy?" She looked at Billy with recognition.

 "From the reservation?" she asked for a confirmation. He nodded and smiled his kind smile.

"You're looking good" she commented with a smile. At least she did not say something mean or else I would have had to be mean to her, but maybe, just maybe she will not be any trouble while here.

"Do you remember Jacob. Billy's son? Me, you, and him used to play together?" I asked her. She nodded again and looked over at Jake.

"We made mud cakes when we were little," she stated. Jacob and I smiled at the memory.  Dad went down to the reservation a lot when we were younger so the two of us just clicked and got on together.

"So, Bell's, how do you like your homecoming present?" Dad asked her pointing in the direction of the truck.

"Really? This is for me?" she replied shocked as she assessed the vehicle, impressed.

"Do you like it?" dad pressed.

"Yes, it's perfect" she gushed rubbing her finger over the rusted paint.

"Let me show you how to work it," Jacob said to Bella while he gestured to the truck. When Bella opened the driver door she bumped Jacob who let out a groan.

"Sorry!" she said as I stifled a giggle at her clumsiness. When they came back out, they were smiling and dad and Billy were fighting cause of all their smack talking.

"Are they always like this?" Bella asked.

"Yep!" I said with my arms crossed.

"It's gotten worse with old age," Jacob commented and we all chuckled a little. Maybe it will all be fine....

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