Chapter 10: No apologie

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My arm and leg are in a cast when I wake up to the sound of a heart monitor. I see Charlie sitting next to my bed in a chair and I lick my dry lips.

"Dad." I whisper and his head shoots towards me with his brown eyes wide in alarm.

"Kayla, honey you are awake!" his voice is filled with disbelief.

"Can I have some water?" He nods quickly grabbing a glass from the table next to me. I drink the water from the glass desperately, the cold liquid is refreshing to my mouth.

"How long have I been here? Where am I?"I ask as he reclines back in his chair.

Dad sighs taking my hand.

"Kayla you've been here for four weeks baby girl. We are in an Arizona hospital," his voice is hoarse and he's teary eyed.

"Where is Bella?" She was after all the person who got me into this situation. It makes sense that no one is here considering the long time I have been out.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dad looked as if he had not shaved in a while, or changed.

"Yea, I do I remember," I could not tell him exactly what happened because it's not believable. He stands reaching into a bag I had not noticed retrieving my glasses.

"Thanks." I smile when he places them on my face.

"I'll be back, I have to tell the doctor you are awake." I nod.

Next, A man walks in wearing a doctor coat. His complexion is dark and his skin glows in the light. He has a slight beard and thick eyebrows trimmed to perfection. I smile at him.

"Hello Ms. Swan I'm doctor Bennett how are you feeling?" he questions looking at the machines monitoring my vitals.

"Fine, perfect I've only been up for a few hours I guess and I want to go home."

"I just have to get you some meds, check your bones again, and the stitches on your jaw." I did not even notice the pain. After doing his check he walks out of the room leaving me and dad alone again.

"Dad where is Bella?"

"Her and Edward had to go back home she was fine except her ankle was messed up and some blood loss." He looks stressed at the thought.

"You mean she was only in here for a day!" I realize the extent of her injuries were nothing compared to mine.


So,it turns out my shoulder is fractured, my wrist got broken, my knee got fractured, and my left jaw got knocked out of place and I have a few stitches there. I have been recovering painfully slow.

I am lying on the couch being lazy. Unfortunately, I can not do much so I'm stuck staring at the blank T.V.
The remote was out of my reach, as was my phone that was somehow upstairs when I have been sleeping in the living room.

I have been home for three days and no one has visited me. Dad had to go back to work after missing two months taking care of me. Then there is Bell, who has yet to apologize to me. She just acts like nothing has happened.

I groan when there is a knock on the front door.

"Who is it!"

"It is your God-father!" Billy yells happily wheeling himself into the dark living room.

"Hey G-dad what are you doing here? Wait how did you get here?" I squint my eyes at him. Jacob usually drives him around even though he is under age, but they let it slide considering he is all Billy has got.

"I drove." Jacob said walking in before Billy could speak. He took a seat in the recliner. I swallow remembering what happened the last time he was here.

"So how is my beautiful god daughter, and what is she doing all alone in the dark?" he asked me.

"That's a long story-why I'm here alone. Bella was supposed to be here instead she left off," I say looking down at my leg and arm.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to come visit you sweetheart I couldn't have Jacob miss so much school. Let alone drive me all the way out to Arizona underage," he said sadly turning on the T.V.

"I understand. It's ok. you're  here now."I motion him over and he pats my uninjured leg.

"So...Jacob how is school?" I asked looking over at him. He looked at me with a hurt expression.

"Wait don't answer that. Can you go get my phone and charger from my room, and a glass of orange juice ." It wasn't a question it was more of a demand because I'm mad at him for putting his hands on me as he did.

Like a good boy he does and we all spend a few hours watching T.V and listening to Billy tell stories. I actually felt relaxed for once in a long time.

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