Chapter 12

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Longest two weeks of my life! Both parents are on edge but are hiding it incase i come home with the news i have joined the army. Alex isnt showing it but i know its there and Andrex, well he's a wreck. I got changed into a blue t shirt and grey jeans and white converse and went downstairs for breakfast.

I had been texting Charlie all night and i was now "put your phone away sweetie!" my mum said and i smiled and put it in my pocket "who you texting?" my dad asked with a light laugh "Charlie!" i said and he shifted in his seat, subtle dad, subtle.

I took some toast and Andrex just stared at me "whats up buddy?" i asked but he didnt move, he was almost sitting on me with how close he was."ohh, History stuff!" i said and ran upstairs for my homework and Andrex followed, i laughed a bit "whats wrong?" i asked and sat back down and he put his head on my leg and i rubbed his head "there we go we big softy!" i said and he just licked his nose.

The doorbell went and i grabbed my bag as i was about to leave Andrex grabbed my trouser leg in his mouth "Andrex! let go!" i said and Cara laughed a bit. I bent down to him and he let go "thank you, whats up with you today?" i asked and he gave me a hug "awww!" Cara said and i noticed Charlie hadnt said anything.

"dogs are wise, he knows somethings up!" i heard Charlie say and i knew what he ment. I looked at Andrex "im okay buddy, promise!" i said and kissed his head and shut the door "ive fallen in love with Pharrell Williams song 'Happy'!" i said and stood at my door and they both laughed a bit " i think your girlfriend would have something to say about that, dont you?" Cara said and i smiled "no, im in love with her i love the song!" i said and i felt two arms around my waste, i smelt apples and cinamon and i smiled " i love you two baby!" Alex said and kissed my neck.

I turned and kissed her and smiled when i pulled away " i hope so!" i said and took some of her coffee she had in a special mug and gave it back to her, she shook it and smiled "theres hardly any left!" she said and i smiled " i was rather thursty!" i said and kissed her cheek.

I opened my car door and Andrex came running round from the back and took my car keys, he ran into our front garden and started to dig a hole "Andrex!" i said and walked over to him, i pulled on his collasr and he looked at me with the keys in his mouth.

I bent down "drop them!" i said with my hand out, i could hear light lafters, if only they knew why he was acting this way im sure they would to. He looked at me for a long period of time and droped them in my hand and gave me a hug "whats got you all sopy?" i said and he whinned and i knew why he was acting this way.

"i'll be okay buddy, im fine dont worry about me!" i whispered to him and he licked my face "bye Andrex!" i said when i got him of me. He walked me to my car and sat in the drive when i was driving away.

We got to school and i said to Cara i was of to talk to a teacher and will be late, half true. Charlie came running ten minutes later out of breath "sorry, had to loose her, luckily i did!" he said and we walked to our councilours offices which were all in the one corridor.

Ours were next to each other and we stood outside the large wooden door with no windows. My hands were sweating and i had butterflies in my tommy "ready?" Charlie asked and i looked at him "3,2,1.." i said and we both knocked on the door.

In those three seconds i thought about running, crying and jumping up with joy all at the same time. The door swung open and i saw Mrs Greenson my councilor "Hey Fiona, come on in!" i heard Charlie's coouncilor great him and i walked in her office.

It was farely small, a desk, some filing cabinets and a window at the back. It was tidy, well appeared to be and i sat in the chair opposite "what can i do for you?" she asked and i smiled, she had helped alot when i called on my parents so i wasnt scared to talk to her but it didnt stop the nerves.

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