Chapter 1

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My alarm clock went of and i sat up and sighed, great another year of school. Hi im Fiona Grange and im 16. I walked over to my wardrobe and layed some clothes out and went for a ten minute shower so my  parents wouldnt complain. I went back through to my room and put my black jeans and black top and hoodie on and my black converse,im to angry and depressed to wear bright colours,whats the point anymore.

I quietly walked downstairs on the hopes my parents didnt hear me but i was wrong, my dad came over and dragged me by my arm and threw me on the floor "trying to get away, eh?" he said and i just lay there, i felt a blow to my ribs and i realised he had kicked me.

After a beating from my dad and nasty words from my mum i quickly left and went to school. I walked into the very modern building that always smelt of lemons and staright into the office to get my timetable. I went to my locker and grabbed my books and went to my english class even though i would be early, i had the same teacher as last year so he let me sit in with no awkward talk. The bell wrang and i was dreading the day.

At the moment i was dogging PE, i use to love the subject but when my parents started beating me i stoped participating cos i wouldnt have been able to explain the bruises. I was in the library reading as always when the bell went for lunch. I went to the cafeteria and got my lunch and went outside and sat under the big tree and ate my lunch as always.

The next two periods were hell and i was dreading going home as always but i was glad summer was over. I sneaked in but i was pushed down the few steps i had taken upstairs by my dad and dragged to the floor "sneaking away again, that must be twice in one day!" he said and my mum walked up the stairs and gave me a glare that could kill.

I was bashed and bumped by my dad and when he was done he spat on me and i went to my room and just lay on the floor where my bed use to be. Something i forgot to tell you is im a lesbian and my parents did quiete like that so punish me by beating the fuck out of me and giving me no bed. They dont give me food, i have to have a job to pay for my meals.

I got up and sprayed water over my face and went ot work. I work in a coffee shop around the corner. I walked in and got my apron on "hey Fiona!" James said and i smiled "hey!" i said and served a customer.I only done a two hour shift but i got payed £15 a day and i worked seven days a week so i always had something.

I got my pay and i went to the chippy for something to eat and got some chips. I walked home and it started t rain but i didnt care. I put my chip bag in a bin and walked the remainder of the way home. I got in and i was five minutes late and my dad noticed and i got a beating. I ran upstairs when i thought he was done but i was wrong "get back here!" he yelled and came into my room

I resieved a blow to the stomach and i bent over in pain, he laughed and my mum came in and smiled and kissed my dads cheek and they left together leaving me in the corner of my room crying in pain.

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