Chapter 4

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I've been in hospitla for three weeks. turns out four of my ribs were broken, i needed surgery on both my arm and leg as i needed metal plates in them cos they werent treated when broken and thankfully today im aloud to go home but Gina is taking me shopping for new clothes cos when my mum and dad got home on bail until the trial they burnt all my clothes.

One of the kids in the home who was my age, Cara, came with Gina to get me from the hospital and was comming shopping with us "so whats it like walking with crutches?" she asked and we got in the car. I sat next to her in the back while Gina drove "its alright, i guess!" i said and she nodded.

We got to the mall and Gina let us walk on while she parked the car. "come on we'll go in here!" Cara said and i nodded. We walked in and i could feel the warmth of the shop hit me "ahh, im in heaven everything in here is so cute!" she said as she jumped up and down "i guess!" i said and she stood in front of me "you dont talk much do you?" she said and i shrugged and she sighed.

I looked around and frowned "so what do you like?" she asked and i turned back to her, she was still standing in front of me. I shrugged "im  not sure!" i said and she sighed "we have been gioven the honour to buy anything, why arent you jumping up and down at this?" she asked and i sighed "because i dont like shopping!" i said and she looked at me shocked

"you are not human!" she said and i sighed "how sterotypical, im a girl and i have to like shopping. I feel sorry for humanity!" i said and she sighed and shook her head "no i feel sorry for you!" she said and went top turn "whatch where your going!" i said but i was to late, she had bumped into someone,Miss Hamond to be exact.

"oh hey Miss Hamond, sorry anout that!" she said and Miss Hamond smiled and i looked at Cara confused "you know my PE teacher?" i asked and they both looked at me confused "i go to your school!" she said and i looked at her shocked "you do?" i asked and she nodded "i am so ofended nopw!" she said and put her hand up.

I looked at Miss Hamond and she was smiling at me, i noticed she had a woman standing beside her. She had blonde hair like Miss Hamond but she seemed a bit older somehow, although im not sure how. "thats the car parked girls!" Gina said and i nodded and looked around. I zoned out as Miss Hamond and Gina started talking and the woman MIss Hamond was with took an extra intrest.

I looked around the shop and froze when i saw a football top. It was burgandy and white and had the number '7' on it.


"Come on Fiona, we'll be late for the game!" my dad shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my hoodie and ran downstairs and we drove to the stadium. We arrived and he put me on his shoulders and my mum walked beside us, i was only eight at the time and we went to every game as my parents were big supporters.

 End of flash-back

I saw a hand wave infront of my face and i turned to see everyone looking at me weird "you zoned out girl, you good?" Cara asked and i nodded "fine!" i said and she nodded and the conversation went back to me in hospital. I looked at the stand beside me and saw strawberry laces and looked at the bag "he parents burnt them!" the woman said and i snapped my head around and stared at her for a moment,

I was sure that was the voice that was on the phone to me infact i know it was i couldnt forget it. I just stared at her for a moment and she smiled at me before turning back to Gina, she talked again and i was even more sure it was her "im sorry but you voice sounds familure!" i said to her and she smiled "it should do, i was the one that answered the call!" she said and i nodded"thats where its from!" i said and she laughed a bit and nodded

"i glad your okay now!" she said and i nodded "thanks for what you done!" i said and she smiled "no bother, it took guts calling!" she said and i smiled and Cara gasped "you smiled, oh my god you have dimples!" she said while poking my face repeatidly and they all laughed a bit. "okay on the bases your creeping me out, im gonna buy theses!" i said and Gina gave me some money and they all talked again, about me!

why did i have to fall in love with you?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang