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When I woke up I was in a hospital bed surrounded by tens of other coughing sick people. I could practically see all the germs in the air. I groaned and sat up. I didn't have any IV's in my arms or anything so I figured it was probably ok if I left to find Joseph. My dress was placed neatly on the table to my left. I pulled the curtain closed and hurried and put them on. The longer I stayed in this place the more paranoid I was that I was going to catch a deadly disease.

I stepped out into the hall. There weren't many people just the occasional nurse. I stopped one of them, "excuse me, can you tell me where Joseph's Coplands room is."

She looked me up and down. Apparently the people here didn't see women in bloody wedding dresses every day. "Miss are you alright? You have blood all over your dress." She went to lead me back to the room I was in before.

"No, the blood isn't mine." I said and stood my ground. I realized after I said it that it sounded a little odd. "Look I mean there was a shooting at my wedding earlier today and I just want to make sure that the man I married is still alive." I sighed and pleased her just to take me to his room with my eyes.

She watched me with narrowed eyes. "No ones allowed to go up to his room. It's a safety precaution. I don't think you realize just how many women in wedding dresses have come in here asking to see him."

I could've screamed in frustration. "We just got married! Then we got shot at, and then they took him here. I guess I fainted or something so I ended up here too. Please will you just take me to him."

"I'll have to pass it through Matthias. He's Mr. Coplands right hand man." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "I know."

She put her hands on her hips and glared at me. "Follow me." She and turned and sauntered off. I walked behind her. My shoes had gotten lost somewhere so I padded along the cold floor in my bare feet.

We got into the elevator together. She seemed upset at something. The ride up was silent. The doors finally slid open. The halls up here were much more crowded. "This is where the real patients are kept." I turned and glared down at her. I was a solid 3 inches taller than the nurse.

"You know ma'am I think that I can probably find him from here." I smiled wryly. She huffed and stomped away. I rolled my eyes again.

I walked up to the nurses station and waited for one of them to get off the phone. It was incredibly busy up here.

"Can I help you." One nurse asked slowly. She too looked me up and down.

"Yes actually, I need to know where Joseph Coplands room is."

"No one is allowed to be in there unless they have ID. I'm sorry miss." My nerves were shot and my patience was at roughly zero percent.

"Listen to me." I leaned over the counter so our faces were closer. The other nurses at the desk stopped to watch our exchange. "I just got married a couple of hours ago. Right after I said I do a man who is now dead came in and started shooting up the church. It's been a really hard day, and i have no patience for this right now. So if you could kindly take me to his room it would be much appreciated." I must have looked scary because she jumped right up out of her chair.

She hurried down the hall without saying a word. I figured that I better follow her. We finally stopped in front of a door with several of Joseph's men stationed on each side of it. Each of them nodded at me and opened the door. She shut it quickly behind me.

There he was laying on the bed. He looked so weak. I'd never seen him this way before.

"Jessica it's so good to see you." I jumped at the voice. Matthias sat on the couch in the corner. I didn't see him before in the dark room. "I'm sorry we didn't have someone downstairs waiting for you, it's been hectic since we got here. Joseph just got out of surgery. They said he should be ok. It was pretty much just a flesh wound but it's still a bullet wound. That's nothing small." I needed. I knew that from hands on experience.

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