Broken little thing

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The day dragged on. People went about their day like they had gotten their full eight hours of sleep the night before, and dozens of people hadn't died.

I spent all of my time with Ruben. This 250 pounds of pure muscle man that was sounding increasingly gay the more I got to know him. He denied it but. Sometimes you can just tell. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I assured him of that multiple times but he wouldn't go for it.

"Where are you going Jess?" Ruben asked me as we rounded a corner.

"You'll see." I responded. It had been awhile since I had visited the garden. It had come to be my sanctuary. A place where I could go and know that no one else would be there.

We stopped in front of the large door and i shoved them open and stepped inside the most beautiful place I had ever known.

"What is this place?" Ruben asked behind me.

"You've never been here?" I looked at him questionably. He shook his head, looking around him in awe. "Cameron took showed this place to me the second day I was here. I'm surprised you didn't know it was here."

" this is incredible." He walked around, and I trailed along after him.

"I can't believe you've never been here before. Then again whenever I come here it's always empty." I thought about that for a moment. Nobody was ever here.

"This is technically a restricted area. No one should be here unless you're one of the higher up officials." He shrugged. "But no one really from the higher levels come down here anyway, and I trust you so..."

I nodded. That was good to know. I won't be caught red handed by Matthias again. We sat down on the bench around the corner just out of sight from the cobble stone path.

"Alright finish telling me about the kitchen." Ruben sat with his arms folded leaning back against the tree behind him, acting tough. I could see through it though.

"Well uh.." I scratched the back of my neck, not really comfortable talking about it even if it was to the only real friend I'd ever had. "It was-.." A hand clamped over my mouth and I looked over at Ruben with my eyebrows furrowed.

He lifted a finger to his lips and and then looked back forward at the path. I strained my ears and tried to hear whatever he was hearing. Then I heard it. Deep voices and footsteps. I watched Matthias and some other guy I hadn't yet had the pleasure of meeting walk past us, oblivious of our presence.

I sighed a silent breath of relief when they passed us by and didn't notice we were there, In some secret garden or whatever this place was. I had a sad feeling that I wouldn't ever be able to call this heavenly place my sanctuary again.

We sat in silence until we heard what sounded like rocks sliding. Like in the movie when there's a secret door at the back of a cave and the rock move to reveal an opening. That's exactly what it sounded like and it made me slightly suspicious, wondering if it in fact was like what you would see happen in the movies.

"What was that." I whispered almost inaudibly. I had seen it happen too many times when people thought someone was gone and then they just jumped right out of their hiding place and then got caught. Yea I was not going to be that girl.

"I don't know. I was going to ask you. You're the one that's been here before." He replied just as quietly.

I nodded my head and didn't dare speak again. We sat there for a good 15 minutes before we finally cautiously made our way up to the little path and booked it to the entrance, all the while praying that no one else showed up to hang out in the secret meeting place back there.

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