One Thing After Another

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"I will not let this go unpunished prime minister, I hope that you realize that." I said sternly to the elderly man in front of me. "Everyone living is this house is family to me, and I do not take lightly to people harming my family." The man in front of me nodded sorrowfully.

"I don't know what came over him." He said burying his head in his hands. "He's normally so polite. So good to people." I would have felt bad for the man if I wasn't so furious about his son hurting Jessica, and calling her his right in front of me. That angered me to no end.

"Yes he will not be going home with you this evening either." I stated leaving no room for any argument.

"Even if I were to argue with you it wouldn't do any good would it?" He asked?

"No." I didn't want to give the man any false hope.

He nodded and left with his older son who didn't look happy, but didn't quite look sad about his brother having to stay here to surely be tortured.

As soon as they were gone I left to head to the cell Daniel was being kept in. I decided to postpone going to my room to see Jessica knowing full well that if I did I wouldn't be leaving any time soon.

"Daniel." I said opening the heavy wood door. Daniel was strapped to a metal chair in the middle of the room. His face was already slightly bruised, his lip dripping blood. I pulled a chair over to him and sat down crossing my legs. "Would you care to explain your actions?" I asked. "Because what I'm coming up with in my head is probably worse than what actually happened."

"He wants her." Daniel said with his head hanging down by his chest. "He thinks that if you want her so bad there must be something special about her." He kept mumbling incoherently to himself.

"Daniel who?" I tried to keep the worry out of my voice but. "Who wants her?" I asked getting the sinking feeling that I already knew who it was. He didn't answer. He just shook his head. I growled and kicked his chair over, not feeling like dealing with his bullshit today. I bent over the chair and wrapped my hand around his neck squeezing just hard enough to make Daniel start to cough. "I'm not going to play games today, you bastard. I have places to be." I squeezed a bit harder around his neck just to emphasize my point.

"He's ," he stopped to cough. "He, is Ramono." I  released his neck and stepped back. I pinched the bridge of my nose and internally cringed. Ramono. Well shit.

"Ramono huh. What are you doing associating yourself with a little bitch like him, and Red Edge." I masked my voice to conceal the real emotion I was feeling.

Daniel smirked up at me. "I would've come to work for you, but I like to be on the winning side."

I glared down at him. I walked around so I was kneeling down on the side of him. I got my face close to him. "Well I hope you realize your mistake now. We don't take well to espionage here." I finished my statement with a forceful punch into his stomach. He gasped and began to cough up blood. I stood the chair up. I walked around before landing another blow to Daniels jaw sending him flying sideways to the floor again. I popped all my knuckles before walking out of the room satisfied with the answers I had been given.

"Kill him." I said to the men standing outside the room as I exited.

I stopped at a bathroom to wash the blood off my hands before going up to see how Jessica was doing.

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