I'll fight for you

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" Alright Tif. Have a fun day." I kissed her cheek and left her at her table in her preschool class. I waved at the teacher and smiled as I left.

" Bye Jessica I'll see you this afternoon." Mrs. Scott called out to me.

" Yep, I'll be here at 11."

I walked straight to the high school after I dropped her off. My school started only 30 minutes after hers did and it took me about 15 to get there.

While I walked I kept my head down. there were people fighting and laying passed out on the streets everywhere. I saw them every day. The same low life's that drink themselves to death. I swore that I would never be one of those people. No matter how bad things got. I wouldn't allow myself to get to that point.

Once in sight of the school I couldn't help but sigh in relief. There wasn't much difference between being on school property and the streets. There were still fights and stuff like that. It was just easier to stay away from it.

I opened my locker only to have it slammed shut by none other than my dear sister Olivia Jackson. " Hey buzz kill how was walking that little brat to school today?" She sneered, while all her little slut friends laughed behind her.

The more they laughed the angrier I got. " Your calling her the brat! Take a look in the mirror before you go calling other people that you bitch!" I yelled.

None of them were laughing now. " how dare you. When I tell mom she is-"

" Ohhh." I cut her off. " need mommy to protect you again. Why don't you just stick up for yourself instead of hiding behind her." I narrowed my eyes at her and waited for her comeback.

" You just wait." Then she turned around and left. Coward. I thought about yelling after her to come finish what she started, but I didn't want to make a bigger scene than I already had.

I opened my locker again, grabbed my books, then slammed it shut. I hugged them to my chest then stalked to my first period.

" Hey." Some kid said as I sat down behind him.

" Uhh. Hi." I said and tucked a strand of my brown hair behind my ear.

" I'm Cameron. I saw that little fight you had with Olivia. That was pretty badass." he said nodding his head.

I cracked a smile " thanks. She had it coming. She was always terrible at making up comebacks. She just hides behind her mommy and relies on her to protect her. She can't do much on her own." I said shrugging.

" Your really cute." he said poking my left dimple. " I like your smile. Hey you should come to my game tonight." he put his hand back in his lap then leaned back on his desk.

" Hmm." I said stroking my chin pretending to think about it. " depends on what you play. I don't really like football." I raised my eyebrow.

He laughed and let me tell you it was the sexiest laugh I ever heard. How had I never noticed this kid before. " well it's a good thing I don't play football then." He leaned closer and put his elbows on my desk.

" Well what do you play?" I asked truly  curious.

" Basketball. The game is at 6. You should come. There's a party afterwards. You should come to that too."

" Alright. I'll be there." I nodded just as the bell rang. He winked and turned around. I bit my lip and smiled. He was hot as hell.

I looked over and saw one of Olivia's wannabes glaring at me from across the room. I rolled my eyes at her she was probably jealous.

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