Are you gay?

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I felt like crying. This was not ok. Nothing seemed to ever be ok anymore. People were yelling, guns were firing, and bodies were dropping. I screamed out when a body dropped on top of me staining my white clothes with his dark red blood. I scrambled to get his large frame off of me. The immense amount of adrenaline running through my veins enabled me to push him not only off, but away from me.

I was panting and on the verge of hyperventilating. My head was spinning, my eyes closed and I tried to control my breathing. I thought about my first day here. The tour I was given, I remembered being shown the basement and I remembered Mandy said that it was for emergencies. This definitely counted as an emergency.

I thought I recalled the basement being on the far side of the mansion next to the pool. I couldn't remember exactly but anything was batter than sitting in the middle of a war zone.

I peeked out from behind the safety of the table and saw men in masks on the other side of the room. Unfortunately for me they were advancing, and blocking the hallway I needed to take. I sucked in a deep breath and army crawled back into the hallway I started off in. There was no possible way to make it to the hall without being shot.

I weaved my way through dead corpses, dodging anything broken lying on the ground that could cause me harm. Men were shouting at me to get out of the way and get cover, for I was literally crawling across the foyer with no cover whatsoever.

By some miracle I made it back to the hallway I started off in. By now though it wasn't empty anymore people were running around and bumping into each other and some were yelling orders. I tried to make my way through the thick mass of people to no avail. I started to panic feeling my claustrophobia kicking in. I couldn't couldn't think, or move, but most importantly I couldn't breathe. My eyes watered in panic and the tears dripped down my face for the second time in the last 30 minutes.

"Take her to the basement!" I heard someone yell next to me that had witnessed my freak out. I felt someone grab my arm and start dragging me through the crowd. His grip on my wrist stayed iron tight and I was thankful. No matter how much it hurt I was positive we wouldn't have stayed together if he didn't have such a secure grip.

We arrived at the familiar steps that lead down to the rat room. We began our decent and I let out a breath of relief when we passed the door. We moved with less urgency now that we were so far away from where all the fighting was going on.

"You been locked in there yet?" The man asked without turning to me. I knew what he was referring to as we had just passed the room that one of the worst experiences of my life took place in.

"Yes." I shuddered and tried not to bring up the feelings associated with the memory.

He shook his head. "It's cruel. You know it's not even real." I stared at him dumbfounded what did he mean it wasn't real I was in there and it was most definitely real. "It's a little room with stone in it and a speaker that makes it sound like there are rodents in there with you." He shook his head.

"That can't be right. I felt things in there with me." I shook my head thoroughly confused at this point.

"Believe what you want. That's the truth, and anything you felt was a hallucination. A figment of your imagination."

We arrived at a large steel door. He knocked on the door in a certain order of taps, obviously a code they had so that they knew if the person outside was friendly or not.

The door swung open and there stood 3 men with guns pointed straight at us. I gasped and stepped back thinking they were going to pull the trigger. The man grabbed my arm before I could take a second step, he pulled me forward and pushed me into the room with the men with the guns. " Shut the door after me, I have to get back." The door was shut immediately after he told them to shut it.

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