RWBY Part 9 - Brawl

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A/N - Well it appears we've already made some enemies. Not the best thing to do on your first day but hey that's life. But now we're about to fight them. Get your Street Fighter music ready. How will this play out? Let's find out.
Y/N - So. What'll be?

Cardin - I pick the 4 on 2. You and the freak don't stand a chance.

Y/N - We'll see about that. The fight will be tomorrow. In Goodwitch's class. Got it?

Cardin - Prepare to lose.

Y/N - I'm prepared. But not to lose. I'll see you tomorrow. Good day Gentlemen. *You walk away*Come along Velvet. We've some trust building exercises to do.

Velvet - Why?

Y/N - Well if we're to be working as a team for this bout. We need to trust each other properly.

Velvet - Oh okay.

As the two of you are headed to your dorm for your little trust exercises. You're stopped by a group of people. The first to speak was a girl with brown hair. A little shorter then yourself

???1 - Where are you going with Velvet.

Y/N - W-well you see. Cardin was picking on Velvet so I stepped in and helped her by getting them to stop. So now we got a fight tomorrow. Team CRDL versus us two.

???1 - hmph. Velvet is this true?

Velvet - Everyword he just said Coco.

Coco - Well if Velvet says it's the truth I'm okay with it. Yatsuhashi, Fox. What about you?

The two men beside her nod their heads in agreement. And you and Velvet continue to your dorm. As you pass the trio you look behind you and see giant Bastard sword upon the taller guys back. This causing you to gulp in fear and a drop of sweat to fall along you face.

Y/N - So Velvet. If I may be so bold as to ask. Who were they?

Velvet - Oh. That was my team. Coco, the girl you spoke to. Yatsuhashi, the tall one. And Fox, the boy with dark skin and white eyes.

Y/N - So I best not get on your team's bad side. That Bastard sword looks mean as all hell.

Velvet - What's so bad about a Bastard sword?

Y/N - What isn't? They're huge pointy things that I would not like to be on the business end of.

Velvet - You're afraid of them aren't you?

Y/N - What? No. What makes you think that?

Velvet - The way you're reacting is a dead give away.

Y/N - ... Anyway we should hurry along without any further delay.

Velvet - Okay.

Velvet - So how are we gonna start this?

Y/N - As anyother trust group in this vast world. With introductions.

Velvet - But we already know eachother.

Y/N - Shhh my dear Velvet. We shall start with Introductions. So. Go.

Velvet - *sighs* Fine. Hello. I'm Velvet Scarlatina. I'm 17. (I didn't know her age. So I guessed)A faunus. Obviously. I'm also a student at Beacon. 2nd year. I like photography. And that's about it.

Y/N - Okay. Good. Now how about your weapon?

Velvet - My W-weapon. Well It's this. She holds up a camera.

RWBY x Reader - well done a harem!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora