RWBY Part 8 - Classes

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A/N - Well guys. We made it to Beacon. Got ourselves a team mate with a deadly weapon. And now we have ... classes. This is going to be fun. Enjoy you guys.
You felt yourself being shaken. Trying to wake you up. But to no avail. You heard a sigh and a weapon being unsheathed. And finally a gentle pain in your back gradually hurting more and more. This caused you to groan a little bit from the pain. But you were still asleep. You heard a door open. And a tap/faucet run. The room became silent. It was deafening. (How you got all this from your sleep I'll never know). And then a cold sensation as water hit you in the face forced you awake.

Y/N - Woah. Okay. I'm up, I'm up.

Mizure - Finally. Honestly (Y/N). Have you ever heard of an alarm clock? I've heard they are brilliant.

Y/N - I'm sorry okay? So anyway what do you want me for that you needed to pour eater all over me for ... and why am I bleeding?

Mizure - I don't know. Why are you bleeding? I had nothing to do with it ... Honest.

Y/N - Right. Okay. Now tell me. Why did you want me?

Mizure - Did you forget that we are at an academy? We have classes.

Y/N - Oh. So nothing important then?

Mizure - Something very important. Come on get up get dressed.

Y/N - Says the person wearing nothing but pink underwear. Not sure about you. But I find that quite ironic.

Mizure - What do you mean? *she looks down at herself and stops herself from screaming*

Y/N - So what would that be? A C-Cup? No that's too big. It's not an A-Cup. So I'm guessing a B-Cup.

Mizure - S-Shut up (Y/N)!!! *She slaps you across the face*

Y/N - Ouch okay. That hurt. So please. Get dressed. So you don't hurt me with something more then your hands and proceed to your sword and stab me with it. Speaking of whi- *you black out from blood loss while you were talking*

Your eyes slowly flutter open and you look around the place you're in. You try to get up but to no avail. You look down at yourself and see a Mizure.

Y/N - E-excuse me Mizure. *you poke her awake* Do you mind telling me where I am?

Mizure - (Y/N)? (Y/N)? Oh (Y/N) you're okay. Thank goodness. *she wraps her arms around you*

Y/N - Yes I'm okay. It's gonna take more than blood loss to kill me. (EPIC FORESHADOWING)

Mizure - I can see that.

Y/N - So since you didn't answer my question. And looking around I can see I'm in an infirmary. How long have I been out for Mizure?

Mizure - About 4 days.

Y/N - 4 days. Geez. That long? My my. Well shall we head to our dorm.

Mizure - Well. We will. But there are some people who wish to see you.

Y/N - Oh. And who would that be?

Ruby - Us!!!

You turn your head to the door and see Ruby, Yang, Blake and Weiss making up team RWBY.

Y/N - Oh hey guys. It's been a while.

Ruby - Yep. So how are you feeling?

Y/N - Well first day in Beacon and I've been hospitalised. So overally well. How have you all been?

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