RWBY Part 5 - Beacon (Part 2)

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(A/N) - Yay Beacon.


*After running for what seemed like an eternity. You Jaune and Ruby finally found your way to the main hall*

Ruby - We made it. Thank the gods.

Jaune - *panting* Yeah. It seems it.

Y/N - Jaune you need to loosen up and get into shape or you won't survive as a hunter.

Jaune - Shut up (Y/N)

Y/N - You know I'm only joking Jaune.

Jaune - Yeah yeah.

Yang - RUBY!!!

Ruby - Oh it's Yang. i gotta go. *runs off* Bye!

Yang - Bring (Y/N) with you.

Ruby - *runs back* Come on (Y/N)

Y/N - Oh okay. Sorry Jaune I'll see you soon. *follows Ruby*

Jaune - Okay. See you soon.

Ruby - Yang. Why did you want me to bring (Y/N)?

Yang - Because he's cute. *winks*

Y/N - Why thank you for the complement. *winks*

Yang - Oh. You're welcome. *blushes*

Ruby - But Yang. A lot of things happened I blew up and this girl was yelling at me and I asked her to stop and she wouldn't. And then (Y/N) stepped in and it was painful. And then I exploded.

Yang - Well it couldn't have been that bad. I mean you didn't actually explode did you?

Y/N - She exploded.

Weiss - YOU!!

Ruby - Oh it's happening again

Weiss - I can't believe that you exploded on me today.

Yang - Oh my god you actually exploded.

Y/N - Told you.

Yang - Right it looks like you guys got off on the wrong foot. Why don't we try it again and try to be friends?

Ruby - Yeah. My sisters is right. Hello Weiss I'm Ruby *She offers her hand to Weiss* Want to hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies.

Weiss - *sarcastically* Yeah and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes and talk about cute boys like tall, blonde, and scraggly over their *she points at Jaune*

Ruby - Oh wow! Really?

Weiss - ... NO

Ozpin - Ahem ... I'll keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy

Y/N - Harsh

Ozpin - In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you from this. But your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far ... It is up to you to take the first step.

Glynda - You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed!

Y/N - Well that was inspirational

Yang - He seemed kind of off. Almost like he wasn't there.

Jaune - I'm a natural blonde you know!

Y/N - I don't think Weiss cares much about that Jaune.

Jaune - Shut up (Y/N)

Y/N - What ever you say Jaune. But for now I'm going to the Ballroom to get ready for bed *You run off*

Ruby - Okay. We'll see you soon

While you were running you noticed that it was already dark. So you sped up. Making sure you were ready before Yang got to you. And starts flirting.

At the ballroom you were soon ready for bed before another person even entered. You had entered your sleeping bag and started reading a book before Ruby, Yang, Jaune and Weiss who is obviously unimpressed at Jaune's flirting.

Weiss - Jaune. Shut. Up.

Jaune - Oh okay snow angel.

Yang - Jaune that's enough

The entire time you were just lying in your bed giggling to yourself this did catch the attention of the group though.

Yang - Oh I was hoping I would get to see your abs (Y/N).

Y/N - Sorry you didn't get to see the show.

Yang - Harsh (Y/N) Harsh.

Y/N - Its your own fault for being slow.

Yang - Shut it.

Y/N - okay I'll go back to reading Blake's book.

Yang - Who's Blake?

Blake - I am. And um I'll take that book back...

Y/N - Okay here you go *you give her the book and whisper in her ear* Ninjas of love huh? Didn't know you'd be into that kind of thing...

Blake - *blushes furiously* Don't say a word about this to anyone. Got it?

Y/N - My lips are sealed. Right guys I'm going to sleep. Night!

All - Night.

And within minutes of closing your eyes you fell asleep although you did feel as if someone climbed on top of you during your sleep.


A/N - Hooray sleep. You just gotta love it right. Who do you guys think was the person who climbed on top of you. And how on earth did you get Blake's book. Find out next time. Maybe. And woohoo around 770 words. Thats a lot. I hope you enjoyed sorry for the long wait on this one. I've been extremely busy. And I'll see you next time.

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