Chapter 29: Do You Think About Me Now And Then?

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Just incase the chapters got a little jumbled up since I had to republish a chapter, just refresh your library and it should be okay! Message me with any questions you guys might have

Rein's POV
I stared out into the dark quiet night through the comfort of the window seat I had acquired on this plane. It was honestly the only moderately okay thing that had happened today.

Naoko had informed me that my father sent out a message to all the staff and guards, letting them know that they had the option of leaving if they so wished.

Apparently no one had left.

I didn't want to think about what could be happening there now, or what may have already happened. My eyes were already swollen from the tears I couldn't help but shed as I once again had to leave behind my family. My stomach churned from the agony of not being able to help my father when he needed help the most.

He had gotten rid of all ties between the Black Lotus and our home... all the papers he couldn't send to another estate we owned in Tokyo, Naoko sent with me. The Black Lotus was still every much a myth as it was before.

I held my black case closer to myself as I shifted in my seat once more, preparing myself for this long plane ride.

My mind couldn't help but travel back to the conversation I had had with Aaron shortly before I left the states.

"So this is it, huh." Aaron more or less stated, as he stood outside the exit doors to the plane he had arranged for me to fly in. "Something tells me this'll be the last time I see you for a while."

"That something could very well be right." I replied honestly. "Whatever happens in Kyoto... I just want you to know that you've been the best of these 5 years. I know just how much you gave up when my case was placed on your desk many years ago... and to look at you now... still devoted as the first time I saw you..."

"I will always care, Rein." He answered simply, but his eyes grew soft at my words. There was much we didn't speak of, like his divorce for instance... but silent words were exchanged here to know we both understood each other. I needed him to know I was grateful.

"I might disappear for a bit if this goes over well." I continued. Aaron nodded in understanding.

"I can handle you disappearing for a bit," he replied, "but listen to me closely when I say this Rein. You've opened yourself up to someone who won't be able to handle you disappearing like that. McGary is most likely still standing by his car waiting for me to come out and let him now you made out okay. Regardless of how this blows over, you cannot leave that unfinished." Aaron added.

I wasn't even sure how to respond.

All I knew was that my heart beat had accelerated when he told me McGary was most likely still outside waiting.

Instead of responding, I pulled Aaron into a hug and whispered into his ear, "I'll handle what's outside if you handle a certain someone we left in Montana." When I pulled away shortly after, I could see he was blushing intensely.

"Goodbye, Rein." He replied as I picked up my case and pushed open the door that led outside.

"Goodbye, Director." I called back over my shoulder, before walking towards the plane.

McGary's POV
I slid my keys into the lock of my apartment and pushed the door open. I tried to release the stress from the day, but seeing both Derek Manning and Sam Wilson dead in their own apartments, was something I wasn't prepared for. It's something none of my team was... I just couldn't thank the lord enough that their deaths were execution style, and not some torturous mess like the one he found at the Walten with Sarah Gardner.

The hardest part was informing Derek's wife Emily, that her husband had been killed. She was visiting her mother when she got the news.

Though we had only been partners for a few weeks, not having Rein beside me felt almost foreign to me.

The fact that she hadn't reached out in any way, began to scare the living shit out of me. Was she still alive? Did she make it to her father in time? I did everything I could not to worry, but that proved to be a challenge when I've now seen exactly what both the Black Lotus, and The Falcon, are capable of.

As I entered my apartment, I was immediately welcomed by the a cold gust of wind that swept in through the living room and kitchen from the open living room window. Instantly, my weapon was drawn. "Who's here?" I called out to the poorly lit room. I debated switching the lights on, but before I could go for them, a voice replied.

"Be careful with that thing." Rein said as she walked out into the lit area of my living room from the shadows.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I hissed, flowering my gun. "I could have shot you!"

"But you didn't." She shrugged simply. We stared at each other for just a moment before a large smile broke out on both our faces. I couldn't help the excitement that built up in my stomach by just seeing her...

Seeing her here right in front of me, not dead.

"You made it." I finally whispered. It came out with more emotion then I had planned for.

"I know. I'm surprised as well." She replied honestly.

"Your father?" I asked hesitantly. Pain flashed across her face as she finally shook her head no.

"The situation was more complicated than I originally thought. He had fallen ill a few years ago. When I arrived, he was already on his death bed. The machines weren't transportable-" she replied, as her voice broke slightly.

"I'm so sorry, Rein." I whispered, drawing nearer to her. Being this close finally revealed the red and inflamed eyes I couldn't see earlier. It looked as if she had been crying the entire way back.

"Did you find Sam and Derek?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Not alive." I replied simply. She just nodded her head. It looked like she was intensely pondering something as she continued to stare anywhere but at me.

"Rein?" I called out to catch her attention, but before I could say or do anything else, she closed whatever distance was left between us and connected her lips to mine.

Last chapter is up next!

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