Chapter 20: Visitor In The Night

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I'm actually incredibly proud of this chapter. I couldn't tell if I left y'all with more questions or answers tbh.

Rein's POV
My eyes flew open as a breeze carried through my apartment. I felt a shift of energy within the room as the shadows began to elongate against my furniture and walls from the exposure of the moon.

I knew who had entered... and it did nothing to calm my racing heart.

My hand slowly slid for the handheld that was underneath my pillow, and as I sat up, I pushed the gun under the covers between me. A gun would make no difference against him, but it showed my heart rate down just to know I had it on me.

"It's been a while." Genii whispered, as his body moved slightly within the shadows. It was still too hard to pinpoint exactly where in the room he was. He had always been skilled at this one trick where he could project his voice against objects. What I essentially heard was a voice from... well, everywhere.

His voice alone stirred memories of a past I had tried to desperately to forget. But with it, memories of home followed. I could feel the stinging of my eyes as I remembered my life before. I envisioned my father, and the cherry blossoms as he used to walk me through the gardens of our home during the season of bloom. His voice was low and calming, much different from the tone he took with me as I got older.

"It has." I replied finally, pulling myself out of the thoughts of the past. It was a bittersweet place I didn't enjoy dwelling in for too long.

"You look well." He replied. His tone was inexpressive. I couldn't tell whether he had meant that last remark or not. "You still go by Rein." He commented. That last part held far too much emotion for me to decipher.

"Let's not talk about this now." I pleaded. Every guard I had had completely collapsed the second I had gotten a whiff of his familiar scent when I was awoken. There wasn't a man alive who knew me better than the man that stood before me.

"You know why I'm here." He spoke instead. I longed to see the face I hadn't seen for years, but I knew he wasn't ready for that.

"You either want to tell me to come home, or you're here to tell me to back off."

"It's your choice, imōto." He replied. My eyes began to sting again at the sound of that word. He hadn't called me that in many many years. My father had forbid it soon after my intense training had begun. Genji always knew what things to pull. "You either come home and take up your position, or you stand aside. It's up to you. We can take down this false team together, or not. Either way, your cooperation with the U.S. government will not be tolerated. Father had made himself very clear. This is not your country and you owe them no allegiance."

"I owe them every allegiance." I spoke, my voice now harsh. This wasn't a facade I was putting up, this was years of pent up anger now spilling out of me. "You hunted me down like an animal the second I wanted out, Genji." I didn't have to see his face to know I had struck something.

"It's not a choice, imōto! You don't get to decide to get out. This is a lifestyle." Genji countered. You could hear the pain visible in his voice now, but I stood my ground. "That was under father's orders. You decided to leave in the middle of the night-"

"You know exactly why I left." I hissed back.

Everything felt still for a few moments after that. Neither of us where sure what to say. We had both left on terrible terms. The last words he spoke was "I'm sorry, imōto." Before he shot an arrow into me.

He shifted more before he stepped out into the light.

My eyes grew wide at his appearance. His once short and clean hair was now long and pulled back into a tight ponytail. His face had a few new scars I didn't remember, but what surprised me the most, was how much he aged. He used to look no older than 20, but now he looked almost as old as I remembered my father to look. I was speechless at how big he was now. He body looked as if it was in his prime as his ginormous muscles shifted against his tight black shirt.

He looked like a beast.

I had now, for a few moments, felt the absolute fear that women must of felt before he stabbed her. A shiver ran down my spine.

"What happened to you?" I whispered uneasily.

"I tried to become what you couldn't." He replied simply. His soft voice no longer fit his new image. "I couldn't replace what you were... what you were supposed to be to Takeshi."

"Father," I corrected.

"I'm not his son, imōto." Genji replied.

It didn't surprise me to hear him say that. Genji was a bastard: conceived by my mother, but with another man. He was illegitimate. Before my mother's passing, her only request for father was that he take Genji under his wing. He complied... but it looked like these last few years I had missed out on, were different.

"You are my brother, Genji. Your entitlement to this family is as strong, if not stronger, than mine. Don't listen to what the old man says when he's had too much to drink." I replied firmly.

I loved my father... but I saw the way he treated Genji at times. Genji always received the harshest punishments... the longest lectures... the worst cases.

Genji's lips twitched into a slight smile. For a few moments there, everything felt the same. It felt like the old days. Something yearned inside me to agree. To go back to that. To go back to the days where I could see Genji every day...

...but then my mind wandered back to the horrors I had experienced, and any hopes of going back to the life I once knew, crumbled to ashes.


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