Chapter 15: Preperation

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Imōto: little sister
Rein's POV
I stared at myself in the mirror.

I was currently in the hotel suite of The Crosby Street Hotel, standing in front of one of the many large mirrors around the room.

My hands bent behind my back to clasp my bra, before unintentionally sliding across my stomach to my scars. Seeing them clearly through the hotels overhead lamps caused me to shiver. Sometimes they took me by surprise. My mind wandered back to the time I had got the deep gash that ran down the side of my waist. It had now fully healed from that time during training... about 5 years back...

"I cannot drop from that high without making a noise, Genji." I whispered to my brother. We were both crouched at the edge of a tree branch, a drop of about 15 feet lay below us.

"You can and you must, imōto. Father will be unsatisfied if you do not." Genji replied. "Here. Watch me."

Genji positioned himself on his toes, before placing the majority of his weight onto the front portion of his feet and falling gracefully. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately curled forward into a roll before standing, dusting himself off, and walking back towards the base of the tree. The only sound heard was the faint rusting of the leaves as they were swept across the forest ground by the wind.

"It's simple." He called up to me. "I'm right here, imōto."

I inched towards the edge of the large sturdy branch, and took one last deep breath before shifting my weight. The fall itself sent a surge of adrenaline through me, but it was short lived as soon as my feet touched the forest floor and I pulled my body into a tight roll.

I had forgotten about the training my father had started with me a few days before. He was hoping to get me used to the feeling of me treating my blades like appendages on my body. My knives were now strapped against my body, but prior to jumping, I had forgot to remove the blades I had strapped to the inside of my abdomen.

When I curled my body forward into a roll, the strap twisted and loosened the grip on the incredibly sharp blade, which in return, cut into my side. I let out a cry as I felt blade dig deeper mid roll. Genji rushed to my side almost instantly.

"Shit, Rein." Genji cursed, as I pulled my shirt up to reveal the deep gash the blade had left. Blood started to run down my side and saturate my tight black pants. "Okay okay you're okay." He whispered to me. My fingers dug deep into the dirt of the ground as I tried to control the pain. It wasn't my first injury I had sustained during training, but it was the first, done from my sheer stupidity. I would be punished for this.

Genji had already unrolled his medical kit as he propped me up against the tree trunk. "Why the fuck didn't you remove the weapons before jumping- no, scratch that, why the fuck did you have knives strapped to you in the first place?." Genji hissed. He had already begun to clean the wound.

"Father he-" I began, but hissed when he poured a serum onto the cut.

"Father had you do this?" He asked. I only nodded. "Jesus, Rein. You could have been seriously injured if the blades decided to completely slip out. They should have been holstered to you, not simply strapped."

I just nodded as he continued to treat the wound. The serum instantly clotted the blood, and that's when he began to wrap the wound.

After he was finished, he packed up his things and sat down beside me. I opened my eyes to see his pinky held out in front of me. "I won't tell if you won't tell." He proposed. I couldn't help but break out into a goofy grin, before wrapping my pinky around his.

"Deal." I replied.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. "It's Director Campbell." Aaron called after the second knock.

"One second." I replied. I slid the dress that was laying on the bed, off, and pulled it on over me. It was a little difficult to pull on because of the open back, but I managed, before opening up the door.

"That dress looks beautiful on you, Rein." Aaron commented, as he gave me a once over and nodded.

"Thank you... Is it almost time?" I asked, whike I made my way over to the box that was laying by the tv stand.

"Almost." He replied. "You're lace in the back is twisted."

I turned around and tried to reach behind me to pull it back out, but my fingers couldn't quite make it.

"I got it." Aaron sighed, as his fingers slipped under and flipped the delicate lace back out. Before he pulled away, his fingers froze slightly. I already knew what we was staring at.

He was quiet for some time before finally saying something. "Will you cover this like one of your scars?"

I sighed, before turning back around to face him.

"You know I can't do that." I replied. He just nodded as he understood what I meant.

"If you could... would you?" He asked. After some time, I shook my head.

That concluded the conversation. He reached around and opened the box that was in front of me, to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace. His hands unclasped the back as I moved my hair over more to allow him more room. My eyes glanced back up at the full view mirror to see the long sleeved dress on me. It hugged every nonexistent curve I had.

"Thank you." I whispered, as he clasped the necklace around my neck.

"Go get em, tiger." He replied, before turning and leaving. I shifted slightly in the mirror, before turning and pulling back one edge of the lace to reveal what Aaron was looking at earlier...

My Black Lotus tattoo.

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