Chapter 18: The Kiss

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Rein's POV
"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" I hissed.

"I just wanted to make absolutely sure you were okay." He replied, as he continued to watch me pace through the hall.

I had pulled us both away to the secluded upstairs portion of the house so we could talk privately. I couldn't believe he had just decided on his own, that this was a good idea.

"Fucking hell, McGary. Do you know how many undercover ops I've done?" I asked him, unable to keep the rage out of my voice.

"Do you know how many I've done?" He countered.

"That's not the point. The point is, I don't need you rushing in gun-ho just because you're worried about me. You shouldn't be worried about me." I shot back. My heels were now starting to get to me from all this pacing.

"Jesus, Rein. Like it or not, we're partners-"

"Yes, partners who already agreed on the fact that I would be attending this event alone. Communication, McGary, that's what partners do. Does Aaron even know you're here?" I asked, cutting him off.

"No." He answered finally after some time. I could see the regret creep onto his face. My fingers went up to massage my temples.

This night was not going to plan.

"Did you find out anything?" McGary asked.

"Yes. Turns out The Falcon has turned over a new leaf... distributing military grade toxic gas." I replied. His eyes grew wide.

"He's our seller?" He asked incredulously, and all I could do was nod. "Holy shit, Rein."

"Do you have your phone on you?" I asked. I had left mine in the pocket of my jacket down by the bar when I abruptly got up to find McGary.

"Yeah. Here." McGary replied, handing me his phone. I input Mushu's information before shooting him a text. It read: I'm about to leave the party, but we'll slip out through the back. Could you handle the jacket I left at the bar?

It was only moments later, when I got a text back: Handled. Where are you two right now?

I swiped down to reply: Currently upstairs by the back. We'll head down through these back stairs then slip out from the side entrance.

He replied instantly: You both need to move. Now. There are guards up that way preparing for our next shipment. If they catch anyone back there, they are instructed to either shoot you, or bring you in.

"Shit." I whispered, glancing up at McGary.

"What is it?" McGary asked, but we both froze as we heard footsteps approaching us through the entrance of the hallway. I quickly pulled us both back against a door that was slightly concealed, but it was no use. There wasn't enough space for two people.

We heard a gun cock.

"Who's there?" The man asked, as his steps grew nearer.

Before I could even think of a plan that could have been remotely better, I pulled McGary down by his neck and connected his lips to mine.

McGary's POV
My body froze as I felt her lips against mine. I wasn't sure what exactly had happened, but I reacted almost immediately when her hand slid up into my hair, by pulling her flush against me.

Her teeth probed my bottom lip as she bit it slightly, and when my hands slid to her hips, I heard her release a soft moan.

That was when I switched both our positions and pinned her against the door frame. I had completely lost interest in the man that was approaching us a few minutes ago, when one of her legs wrapped slightly around my hip and I deepened the kiss. I was about to pick her up so she could wrap herself around me completely, but we heard a few coughs from somewhere behind us.

Rein slowly disconnected our lips. Neither of us had been this close to the other before. Her face was flushed slightly, and I was drawn in to how heavily she was breathing now.

"I'm sorry, but you two can't be here." The man spoke.

We finally pulled apart from each other, but it took much longer to break our eye contact and look at him.

He was also in a cocktail event attire, but he wore a Bluetooth piece in his ear. We also couldn't not notice the large gun he had, strapped to his waist.

Then again, most of the men here were armed.

"I'm sorry. We got a bit carried away there." Rein replied before I could. "See, he just asked for my hand in marriage." She continued. I looked at her like she'd lost it, but the man's face just broke into a smile.

"Congratulations!" He replied. "You're a lucky man, my friend."

All I could do was nod, and offer him a small smile.

"Well, this area is restricted. Can I trust you both to find your way back to the party?" He asked. His body was way more relaxed now, but nothing- not even an engagement, stopped him from blatantly staring at Rein.

She nodded back to him. "We should be fine, thank you."

"Sounds good. You two take care." He replied, before turning around and heading back down the hallway. As soon as he was out of sight, Rein took my hand, and we quickly made our way through to the back stairs.

"S-Should we investigate that further?" I asked, referencing the shady shit that was happening upstairs.

"Not unless you want to die." She replied simply. I tried to steal glances her way, as we heading out the back, but her face was expressionless.

My lips still tingled from the feeling of hers on mine.

My heart continued to beat sporadically out of my chest.

Did she feel the same thing?

Rein's POV
Well, fuck.

I sighed slightly, trying to get a hold of my breathing as we finally made it outside. I glanced over at McGary, but when he looked back at me, I looked away, blushing.

What the hell was happening to me?

Just when I thought things couldn't get more complicated... I thought to myself.

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