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It was pitch black down here, except for one light that was on in Jokers playroom.

I'm gonna die.

I walked towards the light knowing there was no turning back now.

When I got into the light I heard his laughter. I screamed and then felt a hand go over my mouth.

As my eyes adjusted I saw I was being dragged to the table in the middle of the room. I attempted another scream but the hold on my mouth was tight.

Soon I was strapped to the table. Shit.

Then I saw none other than the maniac him self, Joker.

"H-Hi J-Joker, I missed ya." I said, sweetly.

"Don't you 'Hi Joker' me!" He yelled slamming his fists on either side of my head.

"Can we please just get this over with. If you're gonna kill me just do it." I said closing my eyes.

"Oh my sweet (Y/n) I'm not gonna kill ya! I could never do that to you!" He said smiling.

"Sir...did you...did you mean what you said? Ya know when you said you loved me?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. And ya know what! After you left me I was left by myself in a pit of rage and confusion! Because of you I went back to Harley! Harley! Even after she'd been banging the plant with hair (poison Ivy)!" Joker yelled as his green hair fell down in his face.

"I-I'm sorry, I promise I'll be better..." I said as tears filled my eyes.

All the memories with Joker cane flooding back. I couldn't control my emotions anymore.

"Aww don't cry little kitten. I'll make it fast, after all you did kill the bird!" He said smiling again.

I smiled as he wiped away my tears.

"I thought you where done with the nicknames." I said thinking of when he'd come home from 'work' and give me a new nickname to which I'd always respond with 'Keep trying' or 'Please stop'.

"Mmmm well that's where you where wrong." J said as he walked to get something.

"How bad is it gonna hurt?" I asked my smile dropping.

I knew how mad Joker would be when I ran away, but I had to. I was too scared that Joker was gonna kill me. But I'm not anymore. That's one thing Jonathan taught me, don't be afraid of anything.

"I'll try my best to keep the pain minimal but you did run and you did hide. If you would have just stayed I would have gone easy on you but seeing that you didn't...well, you deserve to be punished." Joker said coming back over.

He pulled a tray over. It had a tattoo gun and electro shock tools.

"Ready for some fun?" Joker said putting on a purple glove.

"Just do it." I said closing my eyes.

"We'll start off easy." Joker said grabbing something off the tray.

I heard a buzzing sound and knew he had the tattoo gun. A few seconds later the light that was shining on my closed eyes was gone so I figured he was above me. Suddenly I felt him lift up my shirt. My eyes shot open.

"J! What are you doing!" I asked panicked.

"Shhh!" He said holding the tattoo gun over my lower, lower stomach.

I closed my eyes again just as the needle collided with my skin. I screamed out in pain. I had never gotten a tattoo before so this hurt like hell.

After a few minutes the buzzing stopped.

"See! That wasn't so bad!" J said.

I still didn't open my eyes. I didn't want to see what he put down there.

"Ready for part two darlin?" Joker asked.

"Sure." I said.

I heard a flip switch.

"Lets see how tough you are shall we?" That was the last thing I heard before the shock hit my brain.


I had never screamed this loud in my life.

Honestly I had never felt this much pain in my life.

Joker kept turning the knob up to see how much I could take.

When I was basically on the point of passing out the pain ceased.

"That's enough." Joker said putting down the electro shock stuff and he took off his purple glove.

I tried to open my eyes but nothing seemed to work.

"Alrighty," Joker said unstrapping me "Can you stand up?"

I barely shook my head no. A second later I felt Joker gently picking me up. That was the think about him. He was unpredictable. You never know what he's gonna say or do.

One second he's electro shocking you the next he's picking you up as if you were a wilted flower.

"Just for the record you went way longer than Harley did." J said as he carried me to the elevator.

I smiled a bit and gave him a thumbs up. He laughed at this, like a real laugh.

When we got up to the first floor I heard him bark some orders to his henchmen and then he stepped back into the elevator.

"Where are we going?" I barley managed to say.

"Your bedroom." Joker said plainly still holding me.

"Oh..." I whispered.

Joker stepped out of the elevator and walked to my bedroom.

When he stepped in my room I tried to look around but it was too hard.

Joker laid me on the bed gently and walked away. A few seconds later he began to take off my pants and shirt. I tired to protest.

"Relax I'm not gonna do anything." He said.

I could tell he was smiling.

He put some soft clothes on me, I figured they were pajamas. Then I felt him lay down. I turned and snuggled into his chest. He wasn't wearing a shirt, why am I surprised?

At first he seemed a little shocked at what I did but then he put his arms around me and put his head against mine.

"Goodnight you..." I said barely being able to talk.

"I love you too, (Y/n)." Joker whispered as I fell asleep.

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