Storys With Crow

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I woke up to someone shaking me awake.

"I'm up, I'm up." I said sitting up.

The lights turned on and I saw Jonathan walking towards the bed.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah...ummm..." I looked down and saw that I was sweating and there were tears on my face.

"I heard you scream and thought it was Joker so I came in and you were sleeping." He said sitting down next to me.

"Oh, yeah...just a bad dream..." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"(Y/n), why are you lying?" He asked wiping a tear away that I missed.

His hands were so soft and gentle.

"Well, it's just that..." I began, but I just couldn't tell him.

"Tell you what, if I tell you something will you tell me what happened?" He asked looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"I guess." I said hesitantly.

He walked around the bed and laid down next to me.

"It all started on October 20th when a newborn baby was sent to live with his grandma. Now the grandma was very religious and over the years she would torture him, physically and emotionally. The worst was at age 9 when she locked him in the family's atrium dressed in a suite with chemicals to enrage crows nearby. The crows would attack the boy causing him to develop a tall, thin frame, a fear of crows, and strange intelligence. Because of this people at school bullied him and threw rocks at him. After graduating high school the boy ran away to Gotham and became the man you're looking at right now." Jonathan said without barley any change of emotion.

"Jonathan, that's...that's AWFUL! I mean your own grandmother?! How could she not love you? You're amazing! And what she did isn't even religious at all!" I said with tears in my eyes.

Why would someone ever do that? I mean he's so kind, caring, and sweet! And he was only nine! What the fuck?!

"Hey, it's okay, I mean it got me were I am today right?" He said smiling a bit.

Although I could tell it was not alright. He looked angry and sad at the same time.

"I'm so sorry Jonathan!" I said.

I hugged him tight. He wasn't a physical person like Joker, but I didn't care.

After a few seconds I felt his arms wrap around my back and he attempted a hug.

After a minute I rolled over with my head on his chest.

"I guess it's my turn." I said looking at him.

"Yes." Jonathan replied.

"Alright, its starts off on (your birthday). A healthy baby girl was born to two loving parents. Over the years the girl grew up, but when she turned 12 she became depressed and suicidal. Her parents took her to a doctor where they asked her many questions. It annoyed her, she didn't like these people, she didn't like talking about her feelings. The parents gave up and let her stop going to the sessions but, as a compromise, she had to take medicine. When she was 13 her mother signed her up for several activities that she didn't enjoy. The girl felt like she didn't even have a choice with anything in her own life! And then on her way home from a field trip she volunteers to go live with Joker forever to escape the shit hole life she had. So yeah... that's my story." I said.

"Wow..." Jonathan said looking at me.

I attempted a smile "Looks like we both had pretty shitty childhoods, huh? Match made in heaven...oh sorry religious grandma thing, forgot." I apologized.

"True and it's alright." He said smiling.

"Sorry I'm rambling, I've never really told anyone that besides my best friend." I said looking at the ceiling.

"So why were you screaming, sweating, and crying in your sleep?" He asked looking at the ceiling also.

"Cause I haven't been taking my pills. Ever since Joker took me I haven't had time to go to a pharmacy and get my 'happy' pills." I said making air quotes when I said happy.

"Hmmm... hold on a second." he said picking up his phone.

He then typed in a number and hit call.

Cranes POV

"Hello?" The receptionist answered.

"Hello, it's Doctor Jonathan Crane," I saw (Y/n) smile. "I just wanted you to mark me down for a personal day for today."

"Oh, are you feeling okay Dr. Crane? You haven't taken a personal day ever!" The secretary asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, goodbye." I said.

"Oh...okay. Good bye Dr. Cra-"

I heard a gunshot.

"Crane?" A new voice said.

"Joker." I said calm and collected.

(Y/n) bolted up at the sound of his name. She looked scared.

I put the phone on speaker so (Y/n) could hear.

"Have you seen my (Y/n)?" Joker asked.

(Y/n) starred at me wide eyed her breathing picking up pace.

"No, I have not. Why? Is she missing?" I asked.

"Yes actually. She ran away from me at my club last night." He said sounding angry.

"I wonder why." I said making (Y/n) smiled a bit as her breathing settled slowly.

"Just be on the look out. And watch your back." Joker growled.

"Alright Joker, just one more thing." I said.

"Yes?" Joker asked.

"Could you make sure the receptionist put my personal day down." I said casually which made (Y/n) smile a bit.

"She did....Say Crow why the random personal day?" Joker asked.

"Working on some new toxins. Why? Are you volunteering be my first test subject?" I asked smiling.

"Funny." Joker said clearly not amused.

Then he hung up.

"What toxins? And why did he call you crow?" (Y/n) asked.


"Well, I used to be his doctor at the Asylum before he broke out and captured you. He calls me Crow cause the kids at my school used to call me Scarecrow because of how skinny I was. I don't know how he found out, but he did. And the toxin thing is kinda a inside joke cause he fell into a vat of acid." I said mentally patting my self on the back.

(Y/n) nodded her head.

"So...why did you take a personal day?" she asked.

"Because we can't risk Joker finding you, and because I'm not going to leave you alone." I said.

(Y/n) smiled and put her head back down on my chest.

"Do you have pancake mix?" She asked.

I smiled.

"Goodnight (Y/n)."

"Night Jonathan." She whispered before falling asleep.

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