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Presence is the seventh Zeppelin album and probably the most criticised of the lot. But honestly I don't really see why.

Sure, it's not as good as many of their earlier albums, but even so, I like it. Achilles Last Stand, the first track on the album, is one of my favourite songs, and Nobody's Fault But Mine and For Your Life are both brilliant! The band played For Your Life in their last ever concert in 2007, if that says anything.

And the other songs are good too; I like Candy Store Rock and Tea For One a lot, and although I'm not a fan of Royal Orleans or Hots On For Nowhere, mediocre for Led Zeppelin is better than a lot of bands' best.

So I really don't see why it has the bad reputation as Led Zeppelin's worst album. In my opinion that title is better deserved by In Through The Out Door - which is sad because that was their last proper album - but that can be attributed to many unfortunate things at the time, like the death of Robert Plant's son Karac, Jimmy Page's heroin addiction and John Bonham's homesickness which led to his heavy alcohol consumption. Although even on that album, their weakest, there's All My Love, which is always a beautiful song.

Anyway, all I wanted to say was I don't think Presence deserves it's bad reputation. Anyone else agree or is it just me?


Picture: The cover of Presence.

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