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Who is your favourite member of Led Zeppelin and why? Comment next to their name below:

Robert Plant

Jimmy Page

John Paul Jones

John Bonham

For me it's difficult to decide. They're all incredibly talented musicians and gifted at performing onstage, that's certain, and they all bring different thing to the band. If it was looks I'd have to say Page or Plant... but as for personality, well I don't personally know any of them so I couldn't say, like I said, it's very hard to decide. Judging from interviews etc I'd have to say Jimmy Page, simply because he comes across as someone who really cares deeply about what he does and has done; the remaining other two, especially Robert Plant, seem quite happy to pretend Led Zeppelin never existed so for me that's what does it.


Picture: A copy of Coda (released 1982) signed by 3/4 Led Zeppelin.
This picture made me far too sad.

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