Chapter 11. An old friend.

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Venturing towards the inn didn't take much time as they were back in mere minutes. Once they arrived back at the inn Qiang decided that it was time to take a proper look at the rooms.

They took the stairs up a floor and arrived at their designated rooms which were 202, 204 and 206.

Fortunately all three rooms had two beds that were put together and could be separated. There was also a curtain that could separate each room into two.

Qiang started to immediately move the beds and then he started working on arranging rooms. He and Yuikarie would be in 202, the twins in 204 an Mary and Sebastian in 206. This was the best solution to the risk of being sexually assaulted in when he wants to log out by Sebastian. Yui wouldn't go that far, she's girl and another player no less. She should understand the difference between game and reality.

Qiang sent a message to his companions about the arrangements of the rooms. The only resistancehe got was Sebastian.

"But Qian-tan!!! Do you hate me? Why you hate me so?!" (Sebastian)

"I'm not into that stuff, I do hate you." (Qiang)

Sebastian became quiet and Yuikarie sent a message.

"We are in the same room? Yas!! Please treat me well."

"If you treat me well, I'll treat you well. And by the way, you can take the bed closest to the bathroom."


Qiang went into room 202 and started to move around the beds to the places where he wanted them to be. He separated the room with the curtain and went to the bed that was placed futhest away from the toilet, closest to the window. He then laid himself down on top of the bed and logged of.

Jin took of the gear and went to get a glas of water while taking a look into the fridge to see if he needed to buy some stuff. He spotted a few things missing and started to write it down.

An hour earlier a airplane had flown over the city. People had heard the sound of the plane tearing the air as it flew for a small airbase for collage students studying to become pilots. After the plane had landed a man with short unruly hair stepped out.

"I'm finally here! Time to take a walk around the city!"

The young man started walking out of the airbase while calling for a taxi to come and get him to drive him in to the city. When he came out the taxi was already standing there waiting for him and he went into it. After half an hour in they taxi arrived at the heart of the city and the young man paid for the ride and stepped out. He started walking around looking into numerous stores. He went into a store that catches his eye and bought a new pair of pants and a shirt which he immediately changed into. He didn't want to walk around wearing the worn out pilot clothes everywhere. After changing he started walking to the less crowded streets, consisting of houses, apartments and some convenience stores here and there.

Twenty minutes later he arrived at his destination, the street where he once lived and walked on everyday with his male childhood friend. Seeing the nostalgic place once more made him remember about that past. The reason he had to move was because his dad got work elsewhere and the only reason he could come back now was because of the collage department he's in. The pilot department. Most of the collages that have such a department share their airbases with each other. And it so happened that both this city and the city he lives in now each have a collage with a pilot department. Because of this he took the chance as soon as he could grasp it and flew all the way back here.

The young man started to walk towards the old convenience store that he used to look at women's magazines at when young (you know, the once showing much skin of the ladies in them) together wit his childhood friend.

Meanwhile Jin walks out of his apartment towards a convenience store nearby to buy the few things he need to buy. He has been going there since childhood and know that place in and out. 

About half way Jin sees a familiar young man he hasn't seen in years. It's his childhood friend, Kenichirou, for short, Ken. Ken had actually noticed him first and shouted.

"Sup, Jin!! It's been awhile!"

"It certainly has Ken. How you've been?"

"I've been fine, studying to become a pilot right now and took the opportunity to come back here. It's nice to be back!"

"Is that so? For me studying is something I had to stop with. The money from mom and dad soon runs out so I had to work part time jobs. Right now I've quit all my jobs thou."

"Really? Isn't that bad?"

"Actually no. Wanna have dinner at my place? We can talk about that and some more stuff when we are eating."

"Sure, sounds good. Your cooking ain't bad and I'm getting hungry so why not. You going to buy some stuff for dinner now?"

"Sorta, I'm going to fill up the things that are almost gone in my fridge but since I meet you I probably need some more ingredients for dinner. Wanna go with me to the convenience store?"

"Yes, was about to go there myself actually to remember the old times."

"I don't think there is e much to remember there thou, Ken. They have renovated it more than a couple of times since you left, so don't feel to down if you get no nostalgic feeling."

"Fine, I wanna see the new renovations then. That'll be enough. I'll be following you in so you can show me around." 

They both arrived at the store and went in. Jin started showing Ken around the store and picked up the things he needed. Then they came to the magazine part Ken suddenly burst out:

"Where are the revealing magazines?"

"Apparently we weren't the only guys looking in them and they didn't sell to the owner stopped getting those in the store not long after you moved."

"Damn, such a pity."

They wen't to the cashier and Jin paid. After stepping out of the store they went towards Jin's apartment while talking about old memories.

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