Chapter 7: Night Shadow

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Qiang finds himself not far from the entrance of the cave and starts to venture back into the cave. His quest to get the twins out of the cave was something he didn't really like but had to prioritize. These hidden chain quests usually give high rewards and experience. There were also a rumor that these quests would give you a hidden profession.

As he got closer and closer to the twins mansion the more he started to grumble...

"Have they figured out that I've escaped?"

Within mere minutes he stood by the doorsteps of the twins mansion. Just as Qiang was about to open up the door, or at least knock, it opened and Sebastian peaked out.

"Oh, you're back! I missed Qia-tan sooo~ much-i~. So Qia-tan chose to be with me in the end!!" He said and blushed.

Qiang immediately gave Sebastian a kick to the side while crying inside.

'Why me?'

He walked into the house and saw the twins and the maid from his escape.

"It seems letting you go wasn't such a bad choice." (Kuro)

"Mary did a good job." (Shiro)

"Since you back alive it means that you've defeated the fire troll at the cave exit." (Kuro)

"Good job, Qiang!~"(Shiro)

"So you guys deliberately let me get away..."(Qiang)


Kuro looked at Qiang and laughed lightly.

"It seems our plan was a success. We were actually unsure if you could do it."

"But yeah I did and now I'm here to get you out of here."(Qiang)

"Sure but first a reward!!~"(Shiro)

Shiro ran quickly towards one of the rooms. After a few minutes she came out with some cloth that she gave to Qiang.


Qiang took the cloth. And a window popped up.

You have acquired the "Cloth of night"
Do you wish to equip it?
Yes No


Immediately after Qiang answered the question his old beginner equipment was replaced by this new black with gold and red equipment set. Other than cloth armor a choker, belt and a small bag was in the set. Once that was done a new window appeared before him.

The"Cloth of night" belongs to a hidden profession called "Night Shadow".
Do you wish to take on this profession?
Yes No


You have accepted the profession called "Night Shadow".


Character name: Qiang
Race: Wechal Profession: Night Shadow
Level: 17 Fame: 7
Title: none
Health: 250 Mana: 200
Strength: 18 Agility: 19
Stamina: 15 Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 12 Luck: 13

Skills (racial):
Creature analysis Beginner [Passive] (11/100): Analyses a creature's info such as health, mana and skills. After fighting a creature a specific amount of times you will be able to read it's movements.
Mimic Beginner (5/100):Gives you the ability to transform into any creature that you have a 80% or more knowledge about. Mana consumption: 100

Skills (profession):
Thread mastery Beginner [Active] (1/100): You have the power to make and control threads, the higher the level of the skill the stronger is the thread and the better control you have over it.
Dagger thread Beginner [Active] (1/100): When a dagger is equipped you can attach it to a thread and throw or swing it around. The higher level the better accuracy.

Skills (other):
One handed sword Beginner [Passive] (7/100): After swinging the sword 100 times you have gained a basic understanding of it. Gives you an additional 2,5% atk when using a one handed sword. The bonus atk will grow with 0,5% as the skill level increases until skill lvl 10 after that the growth will decrease by 0,1% every 10 skill levels until it has reached 0,1%.
Hand to hand combat Beginner [Passive] (7/100): After swinging your fist 100 times you have gained a basic understanding of it. Gives you an additional 2,5% atk when using your fist. The bonus atk will grow with 0,5% as the skill level increases until skill lvl 10 after that the growth will decrease by 0,1% every 10 skill levels until it has reached 0,1%.
Silent hall [Active] (4/500): Makes a room or a max of 10 square meters soundproof for half an hour. As the skill level increases one square meter will be added together with it holding up for one more minute..

Current knowledge of other creatures:

Humans 80%
Lamoresa 30%
Fire troll 20%

'This is certainly interesting skills... Too bad it's not that easy to use in bigger open areas.' (Qiang)

Qiang closed the status window and gave Kuro and Shiro his thanks.

"It... It was nothing!! We... We pretty m-much... Um... tricked you after all..."(Kuro)

"Ah, tsun..."(Qiang)

"I'm not a tsundere!!!"(Kuro)

Shiro put her hand over her mouth and with a strange smile barely exposed under that hand she said:

"Ku,ku,ku,ku. Qiang you're an idiot."

"Well sorry that I am then."

"Anyway I want to leave! Qiang, escort us out of this cave!"(Kuro)

Kuro had now gone back to her normal self.

"What happened to the please?" (Qiang)

"It's not needed for a guy like you." (Kuro)

"Really? Then you might as well walk there by yourself. I'll just leave then." (Qiang)

He started to walk away.

"No, no, no! Wait!" (Kuro and Shiro)

Qiang stopped and looked back at them.

"Stupid Kuro" (Shiro)

"Okay... Please?" (Kuro)

"Then let's go. I won't wait for you if you can't keep up." (Qiang)

They started walking towards the exit of the cave. The cave was, compared to the first time Qiang walked there, damp. Water droplets were falling down from the cave ceiling and small puddles of water had been formed. The reason was probably because Qiang defeated the Fire Troll. The fire of the Fire Troll had kept the cave dry but now that it wasn't there anymore the dampness of a normal cave were coming back.

There was only one more corner before you could see the light coming through the exit from outside the cave when Qiang stopped.

"There is someone there."

Qiang whispered to the ones behind him.

Out from behind the corner came a woman with nine fluffy tails and pointy cat-like ears. She was jumping up and down happily until she noticed Qiang and the others. 

"Oh so there was another player here... I thought I was the first one. My name is Yuikarie, people call me Yui thou."

Before Qiang and the others had even had any time to think nor act she had already introduced herself.

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