Chapter 51

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I know that face, no matter how much time has past that face I'll remember for the rest of my life.

"M-mom" I stutter

"Hello sweetheart" she smirks she looks exactly the same I haven't seen her in years

She left and abandon me and left me with my father.

"Miss me" she says since I haven't said anything

"Why are you doing this to me? you killed dad?" I say not that I'm sad about that

"I did it for the both of us he deserved the hours of torture and then me snapping his neck. All the years he hurt me physically and emotionally if anything I let him off easy" she shrugs

"You left me with him" I snap

"Yes" she shrugs " remember those stories I used to tell you about vampires?" I simply nod " I always knew they were real I spent my whole life trying to find them until eventually I did my mentor he turned me into this" she smiles showing off her fangs " he turned me into what I was always supposed to be. As soon as I turned I needed to forget about my old life that's held me back and you were part of it you made me weak but hey look at you following mummy's footsteps" she giggles

"I'm nothing like you" I tell her

"I wouldn't be so sure your more like me than you want to admit" she says "Any way after I became a vampire I discovered other supernatural creatures and they had no respect for vampire, we are gods, so I decide that I'll show them all what I'm capable of I have gathered many vampires and yes I've spared some wolfs who are willing to work for me as with witches and as for human they are stupid little creatures who believe anything" she laughs

"Your crazy" I tell her

"You have no idea" she smiles "but I'm going to give you the choice join me with my cause forget all of those people they are holding you back, they are weaknesses"

"I'll never join you" I glare "watch your back because I'm coming for you and the last thing you will see is me ripping your heart out"

She simply smiles "you are more like me than you know. I'll see you soon" she says as she speeds away


I get back to the house in the early morning.

I walk in the house everyone is in the living.

"Finally your home we've been worried sick" ally say in a motherly tone

"Are you okay?" Tyler says worried

I run up to him and hug him he holds me in his arms.

I let go of him and turn to everyone.

"What is it?" Sara asks but how do I start

"You can tell us anything" Claire says

"We are here for you" James adds I smile at them

"I found her" I say

"You found the woman that killed Alaric?" Michael asks I nod

"She let you go" Ella asks me

"Who is she?" Ezra asks

"My mother" I breath out

"What!" Everyone says at the same time

I tell them everything that happened.

"You are nothing like her" Tyler tells me

"I'm not so sure" I sigh

"Trust me your not" he kisses the side of my head

"I'm going to call the witches" Ezra says

"I'm going to make coffee" Ella says

"Thank you" ally says like that was the best idea ever

"We couldn't sleep knowing you were out there" Sara says

"I love you guys" I say

"We love you too" Tyler says


The witches come back over along with Jason and Rose.

"What's going on?" Rose asks

"We will discuss everything soon" Ella says waiting for Ezra

"Hello beautiful" Jason says walking up to Claire who doesn't look at all interested

"The names Jason" Jason smirks, Claire just nods "Since we will be working together to fight crime and all that we should get to know each other"

"Back off" James growls after Claire starts to look uncomfortable

"What are you going to do about it puppy" Jason smirks

"You don't want to know to know" James says getting in Jason face

"James stop" Claire tells him grabbing his arm

"What are you her boyfriend or something" Jason smirks looking at James then Claire

James doesn't say anything, he looks at Claire and grabs her hand and leads her out of the room

"So was that the couple who aren't a couple who are supposed to be together" Jason smirks "just call me Cupid"  I roll my eyes

I use my vampire hearing to listen, I'm nosy.

"Why were you acting like a jealous boyfriend" Claire accuses

"Because" is all he says

"Because what" she say growing irritated

I hear him kiss her "because I've been in love with you since the day I met you and it drives me crazy to see other guys flirt with you" he says out of breath

"Are you serious?"


"You know it's not polite to listen on a private conversation" Tyler smirks breaking my concentration just when it's getting good

"Party pooper" I stick my tongue at him

"Love you too" he smirks

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