Chapter 13

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After we left the diner we went straight home and went to our rooms, I guess that was enough bonding time but it made me think about my old life and ally I haven't seen her in a year.

I heard that everyone assumed I just ran away, I wanted to tell ally that I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye that I'm sorry I even left without her. I wish she was here I hope she didn't hate me but maybe it would be good if she did so she would never come looking for me and just move on.

Ezra said it would be good for me and everyone else if I just left and not say goodbye he didn't want me to hurt them or hurt myself, I mean one day they would grow up get married have a family and then one day die and I would still be here still looking exactly like I did the last time they saw me.

I picked up my phone to call Ezra he's my only real friend plus I miss him.

he answers "are you okay?" He says worried

"Yeah of course I'm okay" I laugh

"You make anymore progress with the kids?"

"They spent the night and the next day spent most of the day at my house watching movies it was actually fun"

"That's good to hear but remember don't get too attached"

"I know" I roll my eyes

"I just don't want to see you getting hurt if they found out what you are they would think you are a monster" he tells me

"Maybe I am" I whisper

"No your not far from it"

"Thanks" i say he always makes me feel better   "I actually miss you" I add

"Of course you do I'm a joy" we both laugh

"Maybe after your done with your secret project you can come visit"

"Yes I promise now go to sleep darling you have school tomorrow goodnight" he hangs up

I know I do need to go to sleep but my mind won't shut up

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