Chapter 44

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I left and went upstairs to go take a shower.

I watch as the blood goes down the drain I couldn't help but think maybe I am a monster? like everyone thinks, that thought makes me start bawling I sit down and let the water hit my back.

I finally make friends and now they hate me I can't do anything right maybe my father was right about me.

I make myself get out of the shower and change into some comfortable clothes.

I honestly don't want to leave this bathroom and have to go and see them scared of me or the angry in their eyes.

I take a deep breath and open the door.

I see Michael with his hand in a fist in the air ready to knock.

"O sorry hi" he says putting his hands in his pockets

"It's fine did you need to use the bathroom" I say trying not to look at him

"No I was actually coming up to see if you were okay" he tells me, I look up at him to see if he's just messing with me

"Why?" I ask confused

"Because it got pretty heated down there. Listen Tyler just upset he didn't mean anything and everyone just scared and confused"

"I don't blame them for being scared and confused" I say

"Everything will go back to normal soon or somewhat normal I guess after we figure out who's killing werewolves of course" he looks so nervous and I don't think it's me that's making him nervous I think talking does

"I doubt they will ever forgive me or even look at me the same" I say truthfully

"You never know" he shrugs

"Thanks Michael" I smile a little thankful at least one person doesn't hate me

I step in the hall and we stare at one another not knowing what else to say then he hugs me it took me a second to register what was happening.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused

"I think it's called a hug" he says sarcastically

I hug him back tightly.

He steps back and puts his hands back in his pockets.

"Your a good guy Michael and a sweetheart" I pinch his cheeks in a playful way

"Okay okay enough of that lets go back downstairs"

They wouldn't speak to me the rest of the night or even look at me and I don't blame them.

Everyone passed out exhausted I could barely sleep, I couldn't stop replaying everything in my mind over and over and keep wondering if they will ever forgive me and after this is over. will I ever see them again?

I woke up first and went downstairs to make some coffee, Alaric and Ezra went to the school to get the bodies and dispose of them I offered to help but they said I needed rest.

I turn on the coffee pot and lean up against the counter trying to keep quiet and not wake anyone.

I hear footsteps coming to the kitchen, I close my eyes taking deep breaths.

"Morning" I open my eyes to see Ella, I sigh in relief that it's her and not Tyler or his friends

"Morning" I great back

"I guess we had the same idea" she gestures to the coffee I give a small smile in response

"Listen I'm sorry" she blurts out

"For what?" I ask confused

"For everything I put you through you wanted to tell Tyler and his friends from the start and I told you no and I was wrong"

"It's okay" I tell her

"No it's not Aria your not a monster okay yes there was a time I believed that vampires were killers and all that but not anymore I may not know you very well but I can see you are a funny and caring person that will do anything for the people she cares about. I told Tyler that you wanted to tell him and the rest of them everything and I told him you are a good person that just wanted to protect them so just give him time it's a lot to take in."

"Wow thanks Ella" I say in awe this has been our longest conversation and she actually making eye contact with me

"Can I ask you something Ella?" I ask her

"Of course" she says

"Do you like Ezra?"

She quiet for a moment "at first I didn't want anything to do with him he was a vampire but he was very persistent" she laughs "I didn't want to care for him or anyone really because I've lost so many people I'm just not strong enough to lose anyone else that's why I called him when I thought someone could hurt my baby brother he's the only family I have and ezra was just there for me and didn't ask for anything in return I was waiting for him to tell me what I owed him but he never did, he just different from what I expected a vampire to be. I do care for him a lot"

"You should tell him because you and I both know he's crazy about you" i say she smiles
I hear the front door open and Ezra and Alaric walk in

"Hey guys" Ella greats them

"Morning" Ezra smiles at her

"So is it takin care of?" I ask

"Yes we burn the bodies" Alaric says

"What about the phone can you figure out who they were working for?" I say

"Not yet" Ezra sighs

"We will figure it out" Ella say trying to comfort Ezra

"Is there any coffee" I look over and see Sara and Michael

I hand them both a cup

"Thanks" she mutters not looking at me which makes me sad

"No problem" I say

Everyone eventually wakes up and we are right back at the dining room table trying to figure out our next step.

Ezra phone goes off and he stands up from the
table and wakes off talking to who ever.

"So are you like 80 years old" James asks me I can't help but laugh

"No I'm your age"

"so like your never going to get any older?" Sara asks me

"No" I say sadly

"How can you eat human food?" Claire asks

"I don't know really but it doesn't make me sick but I have to make sure I get plenty of blood or I will become ill"

"Do you attack people to get it" Sara asks me

"No mostly I get it from blood bags but I do sometimes drink from people but I only do a little bit so they won't pass out or anything" they nod

"But you have killed before?"

"Yes but I've only ever killed people who were bad people like the ones last night but I don't enjoy it" I say

"Thanks for helping us" Claire says to me

"Yeah thanks" Sara agrees

"No problem" I smile I've notice that Tyler is pretty quiet and won't make eye contact with me

Ezra come back to the table "okay me and Ella have been talking and we think we should all relocate to hers and Tyler's house it's better protected and a lot bigger" I instantly look at Tyler waiting for him to make a comment about me coming to his house but he doesn't say a word

"some other werewolves are going to stop by and discuss what's happening" Ella says everyone nods

I quickly pack me a bag and grab Flynn
"I'm ready" I say walking into the living room

"Here" I look up to see Tyler, he grabs my bag and walks off to the car before I get a chance to say thank you

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